Immortal Stone Knight Blueprint

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  • Completed - Resolved

I've had this happen on 2 playthroughs, this is the first I've encountered on this game and the last game; I had atleast 2 like this. The stone knights BLUEPRINTS are immortal, I have to recall my minions; otherwise they will fight them till they kill themselves basically. I place walls around them so they don't lure all passing minions to this endless fighting trap.

I've had no luck finding any save files.

Game Version:
Steam Public
Stefan Furcht Programmer

Wow you revealed an even bigger issue.
In fact all defence blueprints were actually immortal after being loaded from a save game, in case they had at least one part installed already.
And then they remained until fully built.
We did totally overlook this problem and because defences are build quickly normally we did not realize for a long time.

Thank you a lot for pointing us to this.
The problem will be fixed in next Patch :)

Stefan Furcht Programmer
  • Completed - Next Patch
Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Completed - Resolved