Import map does not work

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  • Completed - Resolved

Windows 8.1 64 bit, 8 Gm RAM, Intel(R) Core(TM) I7-4500 CPU1.80 GHz 2.40 GHz GPU: AMD Radeon R7 M265, Intel(R) HD Graphics Family. Version game fresh, 1.3.1f5

I go into the map editor, choose "import" in all three tabs - empty. Please fix it.

Image 31


War for the Overworld Launcher Log.txt

Game Version:
Steam Public
Stefan Furcht Programmer

Hey why did you posted this twice, like here and there ?

From the screen shot this looks correct.
You need to select a map from the list first, only then the "Import" button turns from gray to white.
(Because otherwise it wouldn't know which map to import)
This should not depend on the map.
If the button becomes white for any selected map in any tab it will turn to white for every map.

Or did I misread/misinterpret what you said?

    I do not understand how you can not understand a simple thing. Maps that I created. They can not be imported. That button is gray - this is not the problem. This is a reflection of the problem.
Can not you see that I have selected a map? What, in your opinion, is displayed on the right, on the screenshot?

    PS Repeated in another topic post is wrong.

Stefan Furcht Programmer

Sorry I had a bit issues to understand the english.

Well in the screen shot there is a map preview image shown on the right side but no map in the list is highlighted (brighter text + brighter border) to show it is selected.
I thought you were reporting that the "Import" button does not turn white when you select a workshop map.
(Which made no sense to me, because the UI does not make a difference about which map selected and it should not matter which one you select, the button should always turn to white after selecting a map)

So what is the exact Problem?

You select the map you want to import from the list, it is highlighted and the "Import" button is white, but then you click on it but nothing happens?

Stefan Furcht Programmer

I just tested creating a map, publishing it to steam and importing it and it worked fine for me at least.

Stefan Furcht Programmer

I just switched my game to russian language and tried it again and it worked.

In this screenshot my work shop map "Sorry Test can be removed" is correctly highlighted.
The text is white and has a white border, unlike in your screenshot.

Again I entered the game. And now my maps available for import. Thank you.

P. S. the Problem before was, that you can see on screenshot, and I have several times clicked on their maps, others the result was different.

Stefan Furcht Programmer

Ohhh then I guess it was actually an issue with the import UI and not the import function.
I was wondering because it should not be possible that there is a map preview on the right side while no map is actually highlighted in the list, but this was happening in your screen shot.

I am glad that it works now for you! :)


I have found a similar importing issue; I cannot import maps that I have created and published from the workshop. This would be fine if I had any other way to load up one of my finished maps after clearing their saves from my in-progress maps list.