Gold Vortex still shows activation status in tooltip

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  • Completed - Resolved

Not really a bug nor particularly harmful. However, seeing how we can no longer disable the thing, keeping the activation status in seems like an odd (and possibly unintended) design choice.

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Steam Public

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Додайте коментар щодо якості обслуговування (не обов'язково):

Stefan Furcht

It is still valid, because it gets auto deactivated when vaults are full. The tooltip will show this.
I recommend scrapping this ticket.

Stefan Furcht

Josh Bishop What do you think?

Jan - Eric Merzel

its superfluous information and im pretty sure more users will see it as wrong behavior

Stefan Furcht

I just wonder if people are confused when the gold vortex is inactive but the tooltip does not tell.
Maybe it would be better if it says "Vaults full" instead of "Inactive".

Josh Bishop

I agree with Jan - should remove it. One of the main use cases is the Gold Shrine anyway, and there it's not even needed as they drop it if the Vault is full.

Stefan Furcht

So it will be then.

Stefan Furcht
  • Completed - Resolved