Heart of Gold lvl 1: Torturing Mandalf does not trigger next stage, level unwinnable

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  • Completed - Resolved

Hi, when I torture Mandalf on Heart of Gold level 1, he acts like a normal enemy being tortured. The dialogue that I have seen on other people youtube videos is not trigged. Eventually he is converted to my side, but that is no use to me as the level is now unwinnable.

My specs:

I5 processor


Windows 7

64 bit

Game Version:
Steam Public
Gentagelser 1
Torturing Mandalf bug


A few weeks ago I reported this bug by creating this thread:https://brightrockgames.userecho.com/topics/920-heart-of-gold-lvl-1-torturing-mandalf-does-not-trigger-next-stage-level-unwinnable/

Lots of other people have commented on the thread saying they are having the same issue. But no mods have commented on the thread for a few weeks. Making me think that the ticket has been merged and somehow mods are no longer receiving notifications about new comments. So therefore me asking for clarification here.

My question is 1) Is it known yet why this bug happens. Ie. was it caused by something we all did in game, and thus can we avoid the bug by replaying the level without doing X?

2) Has a fix been found yet?

Thank you.

Jan - Eric Merzel
  • Accepted

hello Knightenterprises

im sorry to hear about your troubles, this issue is known (and i will probably merge your ticket) sadly the only way to progress at that point is to replay the mission, we are working on a fix however.

im sorry for the inconvenience


Hi Jan,

Is it known what causes this problem? Because I really want to play heart of gold, but I don't want to play that whole level again, just to encounter the same issue.

Glad to hear you guys are working on a fix.


As in was the problem caused by something I did in the level (and so when I play it again I will make sure not to do it)?

Old Cat

Same here. I captured him, tortured, eventually converted. Nothing happened.

Ondra Klíma

My "select unit bar" dissapeared, so I cound not just pick Mandalf using that. Maybe it's related. I have also managed to clone Mandals using quick freeze potion on him, which caused to spawn him but also the first one in my prison stayed. That was useful actually, because I have then spend 4 hours torturing, transforming, humiliating, beating, slapping (also put him against bard in the arene) multiple Mandalfs, just to discover that it's a bug.

Well hope you will fix this quickly and also in a way we don't have to replay the mission ^^


Just for more information for the developers - my unit bar did not disappear, and Mandalf appeared in the bar like a normal minion.

Quote from Jan - Eric Merzel

hello Knightenterprises

im sorry to hear about your troubles, this issue is known (and i will probably merge your ticket) sadly the only way to progress at that point is to replay the mission, we are working on a fix however.

im sorry for the inconvenience

Same here. Steam - mac version.

Christian Müller

I also and still have the problem that i can`t end level 1. I capture and torture him but nothing happens. I also tried to restart 2 times right now. When or how will it be fixed?

Old Cat

In my case, I had to start the map anew a few times, and then rush to him (his level is low anyway) to capture and torture to find out if the script is going to work this time or not. Eventually it worked.

Jan - Eric Merzel

i will also send this through even if the old issue has been "completed" as it obviously hasnt really been fixed, merging your new thread with this one