Game coused windows to force close memory issus

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Playing level 12.

Game sudenly causes windows memory manager to kick in windows giving the folwoing message:

Image 48

(its dutch But it force shuts the game (and shuted down Chrome etc bc of the absurd momry it requested in a short time)

Game Version:
Steam Public
Stefan Furcht Programmer

Hello Frederik Blirup,
at very intense play the game can take up to 6GB RAM, but shouldn't be more than 4GB RAM at normal play.
You have 8GB RAM installed and windows takes 1-1.5GB, so if you have 8GB it should be always enough.
However my guess is you have other software running while playing the game which takes a lot RAM as well.
There must be at least 3GB used elsewhere to cause out of memory issues with the game on your system.

Can you right click the windows task bar (bottom bar) and start the windows task manager.
Can you open processes tab and sort them by memory usage?
There is likely something big on the top which occupies a lot of main memory while you play.
What is it and can it be closed while playing WftO?