spirits are completely recyclable, very exploitable bug

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While playing the new 'Heart of gold campaign', I noticed that I could reuse spirits in the spirit chamber indefinitely: so basically in ever level I had 1-2 high leveled spirits and I could make my whole army level 10 in a matter of minutes. I would drop the spirit on the the unit standing on the pedestal and it would give the usual effect: leveling up the unit and if it reaches 10 it goes off the pedestal. But the spirit would not disappear and instead just stayed next to the pedestal. I could repeat this as much as I wanted.

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Steam Public

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Old Cat

No, it's not true. I created a new bug report for this.


I've got the same bug in Level 13.


Not sure if the recyclable spirits are supposed to be fixed by now, but it seems that it is not. Also, it did add more levels than it should. I had a level 6 spirit buffing all creatures to level 10, regardless of level. The spirit did disappear eventually. This was done on a custom map. output_log.txt


Bug is not set as fixed yet so I assume it's not fixed yet.

[Dev] Nanorock
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[Dev] Nanorock
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Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Completed - Resolved