Shifting blood ritual in level 5 still stays 0% after patch 1.3

  • Views 24,395
  • updated
  • Completed - Resolved

As the title says: casting the blood ritual in the sanctuary in level 5 doesn't move and remains at 0%. Restarting the game doesn't help. Old bugs that persists even after patch 1.3.

Thank you.

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Biervampir [AUT]

I also tired to replicate this bug in patch 1.3.2 and in the internal (multible times)
Still we are thankfull that you reported that bug.

I can offer you my personal help, to "guide" you through and look what you do, perhaps I see something what you missed to mention.
You could stream it via Twitch or Steam, I can take a look at it, if you want? Just add me via Steam: Pofil

Quote from amirfoox

Right, because my version is somehow different than everyone else's? Look, this isn't a crash or a graphical glitch which might indicate an issue with my OS or PC. This is not due to any sort of corrupted file either, thanks to Steam's consistency verification check for games installations.

This is a clear gameplay bug.

Which oh-so-complicated objective chain didn't I follow, the "kill the dwarves", followed by the the "activate the ritual by clicking the icon" one, or vice versa?

I already tried restarting the level. Multiple times. With the exact same results each time.

Please at least try to find ways to help, other than blaming it on the stupid user and closing the bug as a 'DECLINED' in my face.


No, that's my point your version is exactly the same as everyone elses and it's working fine for everyone else. Which means it must be an outside factor, namely the input actions of the user causing the issue. I'm not saying that you don't know how to follow the objectives, but maybe something else you're doing at the same time is causing problems.

As an example:

Perhaps you're putting up a replacement wall or a defense or something and that's blocking the Dwarves from all pathing to your dungeon correctly and leaving one lost somewhere and therefore never letting you proceed to the next objective?

We don't know and we can't tell, and without that kind of information there is very little (if anything we can do). It's not that we don't have to help you, there just isn't anything we can actually do to help without more info and a way to reproduce the issue.

It does appear however that Klaus (Bohser) is willing to spend some time trying to resolve the issue with you 1 on 1, so my suggestion is that you take up his kind offer and he might be able to figure out what's going wrong.


Thank you, that is exactly the type of help I was talking about.

If you would just offer something like that, or even a video upload from me show the issue, ANYTHING other than the: "Can't reproduce, too bad, BYE!!" I received, I would have never posted those kind of replies.

I apologize.

Thanks Klaus, I will add you as soon as I get home from work today and hopefully you might help me figure this out.

Quote from amirfoox

Thank you, that is exactly the type of help I was talking about.

If you would just offer something like that, or even a video upload from me show the issue, ANYTHING other than the: "Can't reproduce, too bad, BYE!!" I received, I would have never posted those kind of replies.

I apologize.

Thanks Klaus, I will add you as soon as I get home from work today and hopefully you might help me figure this out.

No need to apologise, I can understand why you're frustrated I really can.

And I really hope that a video of the problem will resolve it, that's what we were really asking for when asking for reproduction steps, somewhere that clearly shows what you're doing compared to everyone else (assuming you are doing something differently) so we can identify the problem. We can't solve this by guesswork, we already tried. Which is pretty frustrating for us, knowing you're not happy and there seems to not really bw anything we can do about it if we can't see the same issue ourselves.

Hopefully between the two of you and Klaus, it'll get figured out, but with the QA Team being so small, we have to split our limited time as efficiently as possible, and we have to chose between a bug which we can reproduce and fix, and one we can't reproduce (and therefore can't do anything about), it's gotta be the first bug. It's not that won't don't want to help you, we do.. we want to help everyone with issues, but when those issues are something the QA team can't do anything about.. well that's just the way it is...

Anyway I hope you and Klaus manage to get it sorted :)

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager

@QA Team This should be marked again as "Under Review"

For what it's worth I've just tried to replicate this 8 times, I'm not sure where the cause could be.


ok, I'm available now to test this. I'll restart the level again and see if the issue persists.


But of course - as soon as you go to the mechanic, the car works flawlessly... :p

Once Klaus witnessed the game, the blood ritual worked just fine. Thank you so much for your efforts, patience and time! Keep up the good work :D

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager

So I spent a few more hours on this today. Here are my findings:

Saving and Loading can cause Mightyquest to fall over on C5 for as yet undiscovered reasons. I created 3 saves at different points of the game which each had different effects on the Mightyquest progression when loaded.

1. Save 2 & 3 - Created post-crackpot introduction - Second wave spawns as normal but upon death the ritual does not progress despite the normal VO playing.

2. Save 1 - Created before first wave - All waves spawn as normal but results are as above, ritual does not progress, VO plays as normal.

3. Save 4 - Created immediately after level start - Upn capturing Rhaskos' core his Dungeon does not change ownership, however all other Mightyquest events progress as normal including the ritual.

I was not able to restart the level via the pause menu after the ritual progress was broken. Restarting the level from the campaign menu fixed the issue.

In addition, depending on certain positions of units in the world it can cause delays to the attack waves. E.g. One time after wave 2 spawned they met an oculus in the river at the centre, after killing the oculus the Templar continued on into the Dungeon but the sappers decided to go and mine out 2 random walls in the Empire Dungeon.

Interestingly after mining out that wall they returned to their normal path but on death did not trigger the VO or the ritual progression.

This suggests there is something else that cause this issue but I couldn't replicate that reliably.

Save files were reliable to replicate.

@Amirfoox - When you were suffering from this issue did you load any save games at all?

Andrew "Nutter" Jaggar
  • Under Review
Jan - Eric Merzel
  • Accepted

while we certainly would love to get an answer from you Amirfoox the issue clearly exists and has been reproduced. im going to export it