Campaign mission 12, Gold core rally flag
Systeem info.jpg
Win 10 64bit
Except a few minions, 90% does not respond to my rally point to attack the golden core, anyone know if it's bugged or know how to fix it?
Draven's Core was no problm and when i wanted to attack Kasita's Core only a few 4 to 5 minions would go to the rallyflag and all other army still staying at my base, when dragged close to the rallyflag minions would walk away.
Nothing is blocking the path towards the rallyflag, i hope there will be a fix or something.
Hi again
Thanks for the Specs image and output_log.txt.
I have forgot to tell you, that the output_log refreshes every time you load something (mean when you start a Skirmish map, it will refresh the previous output:log), so that's the output_log where you played Mission 12, rigth?
So far as I see (and I have almost no knowlage about the output_log), I can only see a shader issue. And your Specs looks good for me.
Please send us some screenshots or link a video of this issue, that can clearify something.
Pleas check, if the way isn't blocked anyhow (locked doors, replacement Earth, Ramparts, active Blade Lotus, Chasm, [Then only flying Units would go for it])
If not, please decribe it in more detail.
Is it a savefile you're loading or does it also happen when you restart the mission?