Fails to start game

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  • Completed - Resolved

As asked in the Intel 10+ series, game won't start unless Internet is disconnected. I can't enable Steam beta since I'm GOG. Is there a beta key? I will verify that simply disconnecting my ethernet cable will let me start, but I can't seem to play my new Pet Dungeon DLC or any other DLC for that matter. Only the campaign.

I do have some events when it doesn't work, though. Not sure if the middle COM warning was relevant but it was smack dab between the WFTO and Galaxy errors.


output_log (no Internet).txt



Game Version:
GOG Galaxy

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Satisfaction mark by steadypaws 4 years ago

Woot! looks like the update fixed the problem. Can run now while connected and everything seems to work, including DLC. Thanks for keeping up the support!

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Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Completed - Next Patch

Hi Steadypaws,

I'm sorry unfortunately we currently have no plans to push the beta to the GOG Platform due to limited resources on our side and the increased requirements for interfacing with GOG on this.

I'm not sure why disconnecting from the internet would prevent you from accessing that content, my only theory is that it verifies in some ways with GOG Galaxy and without that internet connection it can't do so? Seems peculiar though as one would have thought this would work.

We're hoping to push the beta live on all platforms in the coming weeks at that point hopefully this issue should be resolved for you.


Thanks for your clarification! I came back to play (after upgrading my CPU) since I grabbed MPD only find I can't play it, only the campaign. I wonder if I uninstall the Galaxy version and install the DRM-free version manually if that will work. I'll be back to let you know if that's a better workaround.

edit: bah, no luck. Still won't recognize any DLC (even skirmishes, is that a 'DLC'?) It crashes with or without Galaxy running. However, if I reconnect Internet once the game is running, while it will still crash the game in a moment, Galaxy (not without) catches the crash and creates a dump. Maybe you can find something in there.


Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager

We'll be looking to push the patch live this week, if not then we'll be live next week at the latest which should solve your initial issue.

I wonder if you would be kind enough to raise a separate issue on the topic of being unable to access DLC while offline in the GOG Version. Definitely shouldn't be happening but I have no idea why it is so i'll have to ticket it for investigation when we can afford some more code time on it.



Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Completed - Resolved