Will Only Launch in "Airplane Mode"

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  • Completed - Resolved

The game will only launch if I have my laptop in "airplane mode". If I am connected to a wireless network it won't launch; I see the first splash screen with the game's title and then the second process starts but exits before the loading screen is displayed. I purchased and run the game through Steam.

With the laptop in "airplane mode", the game runs just fine. It's truly odd.

Is this a known issue, is there a workaround?

Thank you!

Windows Device Information

Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1065G7 CPU @ 1.30GHz 1.50 GHz
Installed RAM 32.0 GB (31.6 GB usable)
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch Pen and touch support with 10 touch points

NVIDIA System Information report created on: 09/05/2020 15:34:55

Operating System: Windows 10 Enterprise, 64-bit
DirectX version: 12.0
GPU processor: GeForce GTX 1650 with Max-Q Design
Driver version: 442.92
Driver Type: DCH
Direct3D API version: 12
Direct3D feature level: 12_1
CUDA Cores: 1024
Core clock: 1245 MHz
Memory data rate: 7.00 Gbps
Memory interface: 128-bit
Memory bandwidth: 112.03 GB/s
Total available graphics memory: 20275 MB
Dedicated video memory: 4096 MB GDDR5
System video memory: 0 MB
Shared system memory: 16179 MB
Video BIOS version: 90.17.3F.00.0E
IRQ: Not used
Bus: PCI Express x4 Gen3
Device Id: 10DE 1F91 00321414
Part Number: 4905 0010

Game Version:
Steam Public
10th-Gen Mobile Intel CPU - Splash Screen Crash

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I tried placing Steam in "offline" mode but the game still doesn't launch. :-(

Attached are the output and launcher log files.

Log Files

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager

Thanks for bringing all that together for us. It's certainly very interesting and may help us determine the root cause of this frustrating issue. 

One thought we have is that there's an authentication issue occurring for some reason. But we're not sure what might be failing to authenticate, there's not many things we have that "call home" as it were, and certainly not so early in the process. What is most confusing is the role the particular hardware seems to play here.

There's a small chance it's a steam authentication issue that isn't throwing back an error code. To help us test that could you try running Steam in offline mode while your wifi is enabled. We'd really love to know if this changes anything at all.

In the meantime it seems the workaround, while not ideal is to ensure your device cannot connect to the internet.




Your suspicion was correct: the game runs with the WiFi adapter disabled. Attached is a ZIP archive with the DXDiag report as well as the output.log and launcher.log files for all three scenarios.

Thank you!

War for the Overworld - Diagnostics.zip

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Pending Customer

Hi Cmiles74,

Sorry for getting back to you so late. We've been heads down on important milestone work on our new project and I've just had time to come back up to the surface to go through our tickets here.

That's truly a peculiar issue and not one I've seen before. However I have seen others with 10th Gen Mobile Intels which report the same crash as shown in this article: Game does not start. Crash after splash screen on start up. [Windows 10 - 10th Gen Intel Iris Laptop, Microsoft Surface 7]

What is very interesting is that you seem to be able to boot the game when Airplane mode is enabled which is very different from what others have reported so far and may actually be a potential workaround for this particular crash. I'll have to check in with a few others suffering this issue to see if they can replicate the same results you've reported.

Unfortunately I don't know of another way around this yet but I'm super curious to get a few more things from you so please can you do the following for me:

  1. Upload your DXDiag files for me How To: Generate a DXDiag Report.
  2. Try booting the game without airplane mode. Assuming it crashes send me your Output.log and Launcher.log How to: Submit a Bug Ticket
  3. Enable airplane mode and do the same again and send these logs. Make sure you rename them so we can tell the difference.
  4. With Airplane mode off try disabling your wifi adapter in Windows, then launch the game. Let us know if this allows you to boot the game. Don't forget to re-enable it after!

