Crash in linux (post 2.0.1 update)

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  • Completed - Resolved

I bought the whole package in the summer sale, and started to enjoy it. But it keeps crashing after ~5-10min. Always. It is the current version, and I thought a lot of fixes where issued with that. Also, after the crash (and even after I stopped the steam process), a process called "WFTOGame.x86_64" runs with about 4GB of memory in use. If start the game again, another process with the same name appears. What can I do to make this game run smoothly without crashing all the time. My stats are:

OS: Manjaro Linux x86_64 
Kernel: 4.17.0-2-MANJARO 
WM: KWin 
CPU: Intel i5-6600K (4) @ 4.100GHz 
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950 
Memory: 15984MiB 

What I tried so far:

Changing the resolution to the lowest and deactivated anti aliasing and the other option to recommended to deactivate. A crash log was not created, but a Player.log

Thanks for the help!


Game Version:
Steam Public
Gentagelser 3
Crash under Ubuntu 18.04
Avatar YS1

Since upgrading my computer from Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04, WFTO crashes after some time playing a map. This happened both times I tried : once with a custom map (campaign from DK1) ; once in the HOG campaign.


Game is crashing after some minutes

I have a new problem since todays patch 2.0.1

WftO is crashing every few minutes (10 minutes) randomly

I uploded my player.log


Quote from anonymous

A log would be good battyman, also please make sure that you're on 2.0.4

~/.config/unity3d/Subterranean Games/War For The Overworld/Player.log

As requested, a player log from this morning. Should I be opening another post for this, as you have already marked this issue as completed.


Great! Please let us know if any of you have any further issues

Quote from anonymous

Does it crash on any other map? that is likely just an issue with that level

~/.config/unity3d/Subterranean Games/War For The Overworld/Player.log
It happened again after 20 min with another map (king of the underhill game). This time I was using the nouveau driver and not the NVIDIA closed one.

Quote from YS1

~/.config/unity3d/Subterranean Games/War For The Overworld/Player.log
It happened again after 20 min with another map (king of the underhill game). This time I was using the nouveau driver and not the NVIDIA closed one.

Does this still happen if you disable the steam overlay in the games properties window on Steam?

Quote from anonymous

Does this still happen if you disable the steam overlay in the games properties window on Steam?

As far as I know, Steam Overlay has never been activated, globally.

Quote from Battyman

As requested, a player log from this morning. Should I be opening another post for this, as you have already marked this issue as completed.

You seem to be experiencing an issue related to dependencies on your machine, please read this guide for a solution

Quote from anonymous

You seem to be experiencing an issue related to dependencies on your machine, please read this guide for a solution

Will look into this. Might need to upgrade my Linux Version.

Quote from YS1

As far as I know, Steam Overlay has never been activated, globally.

I'm sorry we are at a dead end here. I can only imagine that it is something to do with the nouveau driver.

The crash you had with the NVIDIA Proprietary driver should only occur on the Slap-A-Dwarf map should only occur on that map.

If you crash again on a different map (Not slapa dwarf) with the NVIDIA Proprietary driver then we can look into it.