steam version of war for the overworld runs on integrated gpu

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  • Completed - Resolved
as steam does not support dedicated laptop gpus, the game needs code to switch gpu during startup which it does not have. please add that code so that the game can run on my dedicated gpu. 
Game Version:

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Tilfredshedsangivelse af andreasaspenberg 6 år siden

i have already tried that solution but steam overrides it. it does that for all games not programmed to switch gpu.

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the 2015 ones will not install on my system for some reason. that issue is also preventing me from running final fantasy 15. check the steam post for error log.


i have already done the configuration the nvidia control panel.


If 2015 does not install then that is likely the root of the issue that I can see in your log.

Please try and uninstall it if it is already installed and try again


i have already tried that and it is still not installing.

  • Pending Customer

Does the game launch? What is the average fps you get in the main menu?

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager

Regarding the configuration in the Nvidia Control Panel.

Would you kindly provide a screenshot of the configuration for the WFTO.exe program as well as the global settings. So far you've provided a screenshot of WFTOGame.exe. This is mostly for our security of mind before we proceed to more nuclear options to trying to resolve this.

Wftogame.exe (the one you've shown us the configuration for) will look like this with the WFTO Logo and a path rather than a name:

Whilst wfto.exe will look like this with a generic icon and the name "War for the Overworld"

We need to see the configuration of both of these to ensure they match up, apologies for the inconvenience.


i am still not getting to the main menu as the game does not launch. i have configured the nvidia control panel properly.


The game not launching is a completely separate issue from the wrong GPU being used.

You need to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable to play the game. If you cannot install this you cannot play the game.

If you successfully install it and the game still does not work that let us know. If it fails the please contact Microsoft Support:


no it is not. the dll files is installed so final fantasy 15 now works(that also uses the 2015 redist packages). war for the overworld does not work. final fantasy 15 runs on the gtx 770m while war for the overworld tries to run on the intel hd 4600 which it is not even compatible with.

  • Pending Customer

As stated by Lee earlier we do not have any control over what GPU we run on, the driver decides where to process the load created by WFTO.

If you have managed to install 2015 can you please send us another log

Can you also verify that you have no pending Windows Updates.