(Mighty Script Editor) Empire owned party doesn't follow assigned patrol routes

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  • Completed - Resolved


So I've been experimenting with scripts, currently working on a campaign, and when I tried spawning Empire units in an area, on testing they were completely motionless. When I attacked them, they responded one by one in 5-8 second intervals per unit. It was probably the pathetic AI I thought, put it on to Master, rechecked, still braindead behavior. Felt it necessary to script a patrol route for them, so on game start they will be assigned to a patrolling route like this: 

Image 5637

Surprisingly, the 5-man party spawned on their designated location, but they did not move to their first point. I re-assigned the starting point as the 1st stop of the patrol. On test, the units were walking towards the middle of the tile, and kept pushing eachother away from it, perpetually. I took to the WTFO MSE tutorial's party spawn solution, which made the party spawn on startup, have the same patrolling route, and start on the 1st stop. The party persisted to act defective. Messed with the party member spawn interval, the idle times and idle block ranges, nothing helped.

Image 5638

The editor did not display any bugs. I have no idea what the issue may be. Should I attach any files?

Game Version:
Steam Public

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thank you for being so quick at responding to issues. This game is a reboot of a childhood favorite of mine and for many other people. its great to see the massive support you guys lend when sht hits the fan. :D

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