My Pet Dungeon Achievements - Ponygrasp
When completing the Ponygrasp level of my pet dungeon; the achievements do not reflect the correct level. The achievements display for Deepwater, the first MPD level. Please see attached screenshot.
I have replicated this twice on 2 different installations.
Image didn't seem to attach for Ponygrasp, so reattempting upload in this post.
Current build is V2.0f9 - but issue happened prior to the most recent update.
Both computers tested on were Win10, specs can be provided if required but I don't believe it is related.
UPDATE: Exact same issue happens for Snowhope.
When on the Victory screen with a breakdown of level stats, the achievements unlocked are for Deepwater and not Snowhope/Ponygrasp.
Interestingly I can continue with the next level, so it appears to be specific to achievements.
I've completed MPD now, so can confirm the only levels affected are Ponygrasp and Snowhope.
This is very frustrating as they are the last 2 achievements before I have completed MPD.
Any ideas on this bug?
Many thanks in advance.