Critical Error during game start.

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When attempting to load the game, I'm met with the following error:

Critical error during game start

"Sharing violation on path C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\War For The Overworld\WFTOGame_Data\GameData\Options.txt"

The game cannot start.

I have checked the file and cannot find any issues with the contents. In case I'm missing something though, it reads as follows;

Screen Width=1920
Screen Height=1080
Screen Refresh Rate=60
Camera Zoom Max=30
Editor Camera Zoom Max=50
Needs Pixel Light Upgrade=False
Pixel Light Count=10

This is the same computer that I have used to play the game for many hours before with no issues. I'm at a loss of what could be the cause of this issue.

Game Version:
Steam Public

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Ah I see, my mistake then. I hope it works as the unexpected side effect you mentioned by fixing a Unity quirk. I really miss being able to play this game. The original dungeon keeper still has quite a pull on me, so much so that I'm actually starting to play it again however, something more ... recent is always nice. Especially the game you guys and gals masterfully crafted. It really gets it.

Also, Richard Ridings was so on point with the narration.

Stefan Furcht Programmer

Thanks you for the kind words, we worked hard to make this game a reality.
But it's a shame to see someone who has all the required specs unable to play the game.

I hope we'll get this sorted soon but this issue looks extremely strange.


Just a really random update, after finishing up a windows update last night and seeing if I could play today, whatever issue I had seems to be completely gone. The game now runs buttery smooth and for no reason. It's very strange indeed.

I have included my log files to see if this could shed some light on the issue for other users but I have no idea. It doesn't make any sense to me but I'm not a programmer. Still, thanks for all of your efforts in trying to fix this. Hopefully the answers become clear from the logs.



Just in case it's relevant, the Windows Update was (KB4051613)

Stefan Furcht Programmer
  • Completed - Resolved

Thanks for keeping us updated.

I am very happy to see you back in the game!

This Windows update is for the Flash Player and the game does not use any Flash, so this _should_ be unrelated.

The issue you did run into seems to be very system sepcific and I doubt there are other users which run into this.

At least we got no related reports.

Even if you are programmer, you keep dealing with black boxes which allow no insight and only limitted control.

The Windows operating system is such a black box and we can not really know which screw got turned fixing this strange file stream sharing violation, but seems what ever locked Options.txt did finally stop doing so.
I highly supsect an internal Wwindows issue causing this problem.

I am just happy it stopped and I hope it will never come back so you can keep playing.

However let us know if you encounter any issues with the game in future.

I wish you fun playing!

  • Completed - Resolved