Critical Error during game start.
When attempting to load the game, I'm met with the following error:
Critical error during game start
"Sharing violation on path C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\War For The Overworld\WFTOGame_Data\GameData\Options.txt"
The game cannot start.
I have checked the file and cannot find any issues with the contents. In case I'm missing something though, it reads as follows;
Screen Width=1920
Screen Height=1080
Screen Refresh Rate=60
Camera Zoom Max=30
Editor Camera Zoom Max=50
Needs Pixel Light Upgrade=False
Pixel Light Count=10
This is the same computer that I have used to play the game for many hours before with no issues. I'm at a loss of what could be the cause of this issue.
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Hi Stefan, it's quite alright, I know that life happens and of course, that must always come first.
I'm glad the issue has been identified however, I have tried with my local security programs turned off and disabled and I did not have the Options.txt open in any editor at the the time of launching the game. I have tried closing down everything but steam and the game but still encounter the same issue. I even went as far as to disable windows defender (Despite being nagged several times by the OS)
Nothing I have tried so far, has produced any different results.
Incase this helps, I have included my dxdiag log file for additional troubleshooting. Hopefully that would shed some light on the situation.