Critical Error during game start.

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When attempting to load the game, I'm met with the following error:

Critical error during game start

"Sharing violation on path C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\War For The Overworld\WFTOGame_Data\GameData\Options.txt"

The game cannot start.

I have checked the file and cannot find any issues with the contents. In case I'm missing something though, it reads as follows;

Screen Width=1920
Screen Height=1080
Screen Refresh Rate=60
Camera Zoom Max=30
Editor Camera Zoom Max=50
Needs Pixel Light Upgrade=False
Pixel Light Count=10

This is the same computer that I have used to play the game for many hours before with no issues. I'm at a loss of what could be the cause of this issue.

Game Version:
Steam Public

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As requested.output_log.txt

Looks identical to the previous one to me but maybe there are some subtle differences.

Stefan Furcht Programmer

> Could you upload us another output_log, just to see if it always fails at the same write or if it varies?

Your system specs seem fine to run the game, so nothing that immediately points to any issue in your DxDiag.



I'm really confused too. I have no idea at all what it could be. Even more confusing is that this problem is new. As I mentioned in my original post, the game ran fine for me before and I've only really updated my computer. No other services or programs have been added. I'm completely stumped but the Options.txt seems to be the same all the time. I just tried again to get a clean version while deleting the previous version as recommended before but still encounter the same issue. However, interestingly enough, the game did give me an achievement this time around. "New Year Goodness"

I have checked my task manager when launching and as the error occurred and noticed a spike in disk activity but only one instance of the game was running.

Stefan Furcht Programmer

We are really puzzled what could be causing this problem.
Fact is the Options.txt file is locked by someone when the game writes to it and more interesting it succeeds multiple times before the issue occurs.
Could you upload us another output_log, just to see if it always fails at the same write or if it varies?

Is there any possibility that two instances of the game would start simulataneously?

Since it works for other users, we highly suspect a local issue with your system, but it is hard to guess why this file could be locked by the OS when the game tries to write to it.

If you have any idea, try to find anything which could cause this and disable it.

I am sorry, that we do not have any better idea what the cause could be.
As said it is the first report of this kind of issue we ever encountered.


Hi Stefan, it's quite alright, I know that life happens and of course, that must always come first.

I'm glad the issue has been identified however, I have tried with my local security programs turned off and disabled and I did not have the Options.txt open in any editor at the the time of launching the game. I have tried closing down everything but steam and the game but still encounter the same issue. I even went as far as to disable windows defender (Despite being nagged several times by the OS)

Nothing I have tried so far, has produced any different results.

Incase this helps, I have included my dxdiag log file for additional troubleshooting. Hopefully that would shed some light on the situation.


Stefan Furcht Programmer

Hello Voltoth,

I am sorry for coming back to you late but I got delayed for personal reasons.

The log helped to find the code which is triggering the exception, but it looks correct and wouldn't fail under normal circumstances. 

(We got never any report of a similar issue before and it works fine for everyone I am aware about)

However it looks like the problem would be caused if any other program tries to read or write Options.txt while the game is trying to access this file as well.
The question is, why would another program do this?

Is there any chance you opened Options.txt in any viewer or any other program which locks the file entirely?

If you are aware about such program, please try to close / release this file before starting the game.

Another potential cause could be an anti virus software which has very agressive heuristic and finds the frequent writes the game does to the file suspicious and might thus lock the file away.

Please check if disabling your AV software does solve the problem and if so activate it again (anyway) and add an exception for WFTO.exe and WFTOGame.exe to avoid it doing so, or reduce the agressiveness of heuristic search.

I hope any of this helps!

Stefan Furcht Programmer
  • Gestartet
Stefan Furcht Programmer
  • Under Review

Thanks a lot, we will take a look!

Quote from Stefan Furcht

Hello Voltoth,

could you trigger this problem again, quit the game and then save and upload your output_log file  in your reply before starting the game again

(Attach the file to your reply clicking the "File" button above the text area).

Here is described how to do that:

A look into this file can help us to get a deeper insight where the problem occurs exactly and thus likely find out more about the cause.



As requested, here is the output log file. I hope this helps, I miss playing this amazing game.

Stefan Furcht Programmer

Hello Voltoth,

could you trigger this problem again, quit the game and then save and upload your output_log file  in your reply before starting the game again

(Attach the file to your reply clicking the "File" button above the text area).

Here is described how to do that:

A look into this file can help us to get a deeper insight where the problem occurs exactly and thus likely find out more about the cause.
