Performance grinding to a halt

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Performance takes a real hit for me. Halfway through a level my framerate plummets until there is visible, jarringly jerky motions of the camera, creatures, enemies, etc.

Trying to drop an imprisoned enemy into my torture chamber is becoming difficult because of the framerate/lag. You think your Hand Of Evil is hovering over the torture device, but once you click and the game catches up with everything, your mouse pointer was actually three rooms to the left or right. You can imagine how frustrating this is. The game progresses for a second, then halts for a second, then progresses, then halts, constantly struggling to catch up with itself.

I haven't tried this in multiplayer.

My specs are below:

CPU: Intel Core i7 4790K @ 4.00GHz

RAM: 16GB DDR 3 @ 799MHz

OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1

GPU: GeForce GTX 1070 4GB

Please find my output log attached.

Output Log

I've tried lowering the graphics quality, lower resolution, etc., etc. but the game just ends up staggering after a while. Grinding through the main campaign became a chore on the later, larger levels. I am currently trying to play Heart of Gold but the performance has put me off.

Game Version:
Steam Public

Hvordan vil du rangere den kundeservicen du har mottatt?

Tilfredshetsmerke av Glanten 6 år siden

Legg til en kommentar om kvaliteten på kundestøtten du fikk (valgfritt):

Stefan Furcht

We found a few improvements to speed up the scouting and hope this will reduce the lag you encountered at least a bit.


Viewing spirits doesn't seem to bother my PC, but I just played the Rhode level of Heart of Gold and kept torturing heroes until I had over 40 spirits... the lag was strong!


And the save game if you want to look at it.


Although bear in mind I had been playing this level for two hours total, experimenting with spirits and stuff.

I can definitely confirm one thing though - the reason I couldn't pick spirits up before was because they were, indeed, on enemy land. I didn't realise that was one of their limitations.

Thanks again guys, you're all awesome!

In future, if I'm running out of room in my prison, I'll just turn my prisoners into hero-gold.

Stefan Furcht
  • Pending Customer

Thank you for the kind words! We try ;)

We were able to do quite a bit to reduce the CPU cost of scouting minions in particular the Spirit.

It might not do wonders but it will hopefully let you go further as this seemed to be the main performance hit caused by Spirits.

I would recommend to give it another test when next patch is out, but meanwhile avoid having a huge army of them, because they are indeed quite costly right now.

Quote from Stefan Furcht

Thank you for the kind words! We try ;)

We were able to do quite a bit to reduce the CPU cost of scouting minions in particular the Spirit.

It might not do wonders but it will hopefully let you go further as this seemed to be the main performance hit caused by Spirits.

I would recommend to give it another test when next patch is out, but meanwhile avoid having a huge army of them, because they are indeed quite costly right now.

I just had this problem occur in one of my scenario games.  I think it occurred because a spirit worker was transporting a KO enemy to the prison, but expired before reaching the destination.  The unit resurrected in a doorway and was trapped.


Hey Geoffrey,

Do you have a save file/ output log from when this happened?

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Completed - Resolved

For now I'm going to close this ticket as it has been pending a Customer Response for some time. Please feel free to contact us further if you still need support. (By replying to this ticket we'll be able to re-open it :))

Scott Richmond Programmer & Producer
  • Started
Scott Richmond Programmer & Producer
  • Completed - Next Patch
  • Completed - Resolved