Can´t set resolution
I can´t set resolution. If I edit the ini-file, it gets overwritten all the time. If I set it to ROM, game doesn´t start. Maybe due to me playing the German version this time? Half a year ago I played the English one and editing the ini-file solved all problems.
Probably due to a resolution too high (frying CPU) I encounter massive problems with creature movements this time: Creatures wander off to places which should not be reachable for them and then complain because they can´t find their way back. Or they simply fall in holes. Sometimes they even travel through earth until they get stuck and can´t be rescued with a return spell. All the time they walk across lava and liquid gold so they die. Imps don´t find their way to work, rallied creatures get stuck on corners on their way to the flag. One time my Archon followed an Abyss leading him right out of the map, no way of getting him back in. Simply impossible to play this way.
What else can I try?
CPU: 2x1,9 GB
graphics card: Intel HD
Please contact me under
Hi Viktor,
Could you please run the game, try to set the resolution in the game options menu, then quit and provide us the game log file. Instructions on how to find and submit the log file here.