Invisible UI in Ubuntu 16.04

  • Views 5003
  • uuendatud
  • Not Fixable

The menu is invisible when I launch the game. The game still runs and responds to my click, but I cannot play as I can't see the menu.

I am using Ubuntu 16.04 with Gnome. System is a Dell E7270 with Intel i7-6600U with 16G memory.

I check the FAQ about invisible, but the suggestions does not apply to my OS/hardware.

Game Version:
Steam Public
  • Not Fixable


Unfortunately there is currently nothing that we can directly do to fix this issue for you. Ubuntu driver support is somewhat lacking, especially for Intel chips, and doesn't play well with our UI middleware CoherentUI. The result as you can see is the UI failing to overlay the buttons on the game scene.

As the Middleware is no unsupported we cannot escalate your case as there will not be any further updates to fix this. We are however looking into to moving to the new version of Coherent, CoherentGT, which may fix this, but dont currently have a timeframe set.

On top of this you are also below minimum spec; as you can see here your GPU scores only on average 858 points. Our System Requirements state that you need a dedicated card and at least 1500 points. It is likely that you may need to find another machine to play this game.

It looks like you may have to either wait until the new UI system is in place or refund the game and look at us again when your circumstances change. I'm sorry again that you are unable to play.