Remember player selection for themes bugged

  • Views 13.010
  • güncellendi
  • Declined

1. Select Theme in My Pet Dungeon.

2. Start playing map.

3. Exit to Windows.

4. Start WFTO again.

5. When I choose My Pet Dungeon I see that theme is different what I selected in previous launch. What is displayed in the map selection menu.

6. I do not change anything in my choice and start playing map

7. I see that the dungeon theme is different from the one I saw in step 5 (maybe it corresponds to the one I chose in step 1, but I did not investigate this bug in detail).

Game Version:
Steam Public
Duplicates 1
DLC worker Themes not saved properly in My Pet Dungeon mode

Game Version:



If you select one of the DLC worker Themes in my Pet Dungeon mode, this selection will not be properly saved after the next start of the Game.

This is a bit different for each worker theme, in detail this means the following:

Kasita, Kasita Silver, Bunny and Aloha Worker turns into "same as theme" while the preview pic for the worker changes also to "same as theme".

Santa Worker turns into Kasita Silver Worker, while the preview pic stays at Santa Worker

Jack o' Worker turns into Kasita Worker, while the preview pic stays at Jack o' Worker

If you select Kasita Silver Dungeon and Worker Theme, this selection will change to Random Dungeon Theme and same as theme Worker with also changed preview pics.

^ This is not true for Kasita Theme and Kasita Worker, while Kasita worker will still be shown as same as theme worker (including preview pic) as mentioned above.

Anyways, if you start a level without changing those settings, you will get the old settings you had, so if you for example select Kasita Silver Theme and Worker, you will get those after a restart, even if the UI description changed. This true for all the cases mentioned above.

You dont need to start a map before restarting the Game to replicate this bug, but it doesnt change anything if you do.

Changing Game mode after selecting a bugged worker theme will not affect this also.

Steps to Replicate:

1 - Start the Game

2 - Select My Pet Dungeon Mode

3 - Select one of the DLC worker Themes (no need to start a my pet dungeon level)

(3a - if you like to test start a different game mode)

4 - restart the Game

5 - check if the worker picture changed

6 - check if the worker selection in dropdown menu changed

(6a - if you selected kasita silver theme and worker also check dungeon theme slection)

7 - start a level

8 - see if the preselected worker themes are present, or if it changed to the incorrect theme



Side Note:

This one may or may not be related to this ticket:

As i tested those, i want to mention that player colors dont affect this. Also - beside the Kasita Silver Theme + Kasita Silver Worker selection - DLC Dungeon Themes are not affected as well.


I just recorded the video.

Now I will publish.

Stefan Furcht Programmer

That seems odd indeed.
When I do exactly the same, the theme is correctly remembered after a game restart.
It is remembered in a local file "Options.txt"
Can you go to your Steam library, right click War for the Overwolrd.
Go Properties -> Local Files tab -> Browse Local Files
You are in the game install folder. Please go to "WFTOGame_Data\GameData" and find "Options.txt"
Open it in a text editor and find lines starting with
"MPDLobby Presets ThemeIndex"
"MPDLobby Presets WorkerThemeIndex"
What is the index number behind them?
0 - is for random theme, all other numbers represent themes.

I am curious if the numbers are correctly stored at all or if there is any other failure happening.


For Arcane theme & Bunny Worker. After I start game and exit to Windows.


MPD God Mode Enabled=False

MPD Mode Entered=True
MPDLobby Presets ThemeIndex=13
MPDLobby Presets ColourIndex=2
MPDLobby Presets WorkerThemeIndex=19
Stefan Furcht Programmer

We are also about to release a Bugfix Patch tomorrow afternoon.
I only tested in the internal patched version, which wors fine.
Maybe the issue got fixed.
Please let us know how it goes once the Patch is out.


Ok. I will wait.

Stefan Furcht Programmer

Oh your answer did overlap with mine, just saw it now.
For now I can just say that the numbers in the Options.txt file are correct, so at least they are stored correctly.
But we do not know yet why it fails to load them back properly omn your end.
Let's wait if it is fixed in the Patch. If not, we will need to look deeper.


Game version 1.6f12

Problem still exists.

Stefan Furcht Programmer

That is really odd and I do not know how to reproduce this.
But we will take another look at where it could potentially fail for some users.
Thanks for the update.


If you notice, you have bad initialization of the GUI menu fields.

In the game has the correct theme and worker.