Hell's Deep. Exclude 2 colors from player's choice

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On this map (Hell's Deep) there are 2 Underlords. If I understand correctly, they already have the colors intended for them - blue and red.

I played for red and when I attacked Underlord Raskos, it broke my brain - we both played the same color.

I think only for this map need to block these 2 colors (blue and red) from the player's choice.

Game Version:
Steam Public

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Známka spokojenosti od Александр Петров Před 7 roků

The problem is urgent. It has not disappeared anywhere.

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Or you must put a random choice of colors for the enemies (after the player made his choice).

  • Accepted

Hey Александр,

This is definitely an oversight on our part. We will look to get this fixed soon.

Scott Richmond Programmer & Producer
  • Declined

Hey Александр Петров,

Unfortunately after reviewing this issue with the Code Team today this issue is not going to see a fix within the remaining development of WFTO. There's a number of reasons for this but primarily it's simply a matter of resources spent vs value of fix, we're not entirely sure as to the cause of this issue but one thing is sure; the issue is deeply ingrained and to resolve it would require considerable resources that unfortunately will not be available to us moving forwards compared to spending our resources on other higher priority issues or new features.

We didn't want to leave this in limbo so as such we're now going to close this ticket as not fixable.

We know it's not desirable for issues like these to remain in game and we want to always endeavor to ensure that player experience is the best it can be. But realistically there are some issues which we won't be able to address so we want to ensure that expectations from our community align with that.

Thanks for the report and I apologize that we will not be fixing this issue. Please feel free to get in touch if you have questions.