Community Translation: Please introduce some keys

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  • Completed - Resolved

I want to translate Underload's name, Theme's name, and Worker's name.

Please introduce these keys if you can.

I would greatly appreciate if you can give my proposal a good review.

[Skirmish, Multiplayer, and Sandbox]

Image 2455


Image 2456


Image 2457

Here is my translation.

Thank you and best regards.
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Stefan Furcht Programmer
  • Accepted

Hey I asked in the team what we can do and they do not know yet either before it is known how many changes are needed in total.
So maybe it's worth to find all pieces missing to support a proper Japanese translation and prioritize them in a list.
Since you might know what is missing better than we do.
Would you mind to create such a list with missing things ordered by priority/importance and we take a look what we can do from the entire list?
So far we know it is:
- Empire
- Player Names in official maps
- AI Player Names
- (Worker) Theme Names

But there might be more and it would be good to have a full list.

Thanks a lot for your work on translations!


Thank you for explaining. I appreciate your consideration.

I hope that you can find a solution. :)

Stefan Furcht Programmer
  • Under Review

Arrf, this might be an issue now, since we never planned to support languages which have different letters for the same name in early development.
I am unsure if we can fix something like this that late in development as there was no translation key ever defined and thus these names are already serialized into save games and custom maps, so they are all over the place and not replacable by a key anymore.
Thus I am thinking it might not be feasible to add translation keys for those.
We need to discuss this in the team, but could well be that there is no feasible solution possible at this point.
I am sorry for that.


Hi, Stefan

Thank you for your reply. I can understand what you mean.

Please excuse my lack of explanation. This is a problem peculiar to localizing into Japanese.

For example, There is an actor named Ken Watanabe. His name is written in Japanese as follows.

The name of John Lennon is expressed in the same way.

Compared to the alphabet these characters are completely different appearances, but their meanings are completely identical. Even though the letters are different, respect for proper names is kept.

Many Japanese people like to be expressed in Japanese letters. If so, they can play this game more comfortably.

This is why I hope that the keys will be introduced.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Stefan Furcht Programmer

Hey Policeofficer110,
These are so called "proper names" which are not supposed to be translated as far as I am aware and they are like this in any supported language we have.
Maybe Lee can explain why.