  • Views 33.645
  • güncellendi
  • Cannot Replicate

And usually start the game. Which one (I do not understand that this will be wrong, some syrup's defense and a little AI behavior used in many functions, etc.), so destroys me, so I can stop to form some security power. He doubted in Jerusalem, he was appointed to the war zone in the fourth book.

It is not.

They do not seem to notice it, and it is a busy central defensive war that will apply to all meetings. One can not walk very close to the ball of all time, and workers in the field of war and international flags, chasing, too, a few tears. When one animal returns, they will remember the flag for a short distance.

Most people see the war concert announcements, using a number of other low-level noise monster cases of truth and inventions of his staff. He has changed, and all the things are still changing, and all the winning teams are changing back to the festival. Stuck to his followers that low level, anger, anger should be.

I should be free to know that this time will tear her heart into my akan. When I posted the bridge, I woke up with this feeble attempt to stop till the end of the base, I see.

Image 2423

b16c8a45ffd57c47b29d96cc9256e5f9.jpg forget

Game Version:
Steam Public

How would you rate the customer service you received?

Satisfaction mark by unitosis 8 years ago


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Stefan Furcht Programmer

It is hard to help, if we can not understand.
And what has this topic to do with "Jerusalem"?


it is this

Stefan Furcht Programmer

Do you have a friend who can speak English?
Maybe he could help to explain the problem, so we can understand and help better.

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Cannot Replicate

Hi Unitosis,

Unfortunately we're unable to understand the exact nature of your issue due to the language barrier. If you know anyone who speaks fluent English, German, Spanish or French and is able to translate for you we'd love to help.

Until then I'm afraid we'll have to close this ticket as unable to replicate. Really sorry that we're unable to assist you in this matter.

