Community Translation: not translate in multiplayer

  • zaktualizowano
  • Completed - Resolved

After applying the community translation, the listbox in multiplayer is displayed in English.

Image 2226

After restart the game, the listbox is correctly translated.

Thank you and best regards.

Game Version:
Steam Public

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Znak zadowolenia przez policeofficer110 7 lat temu

Thank you.

Napisz komentarz o jakości obsługi użytkownika (opcjonalne):

Stefan Furcht
  • Under Review

I can also confirm it should work, changing community transaltion triggers it to update. (tested with my own test translation)
Keys are:
Game Mode:
- menu_multiplayer_gamesetup_form_type_public
- menu_multiplayer_gamesetup_form_type_passworded
Game Type:
- menu_multiplayer_gamesetup_form_mode_online
- menu_multiplayer_gamesetup_form_mode_lan

Changing them works fine for me at least.
Are you sure it's correctly put into the translation file?
Can you share the translation file you use, so I can test my self why it doesn't work for you?


BlackBeard San

in my translation file is translated without any problems.