Freeze on final level when entering the forge

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As in title. I had no problems raiding the area to the west with the matriarchs (crypt? necropolis?) but when I head east to take out the forge, the game locks up as soon as my army attempts to enter. It doesn't even get as far as breaking the doors down; as soon as they start bashing it immediately freezes and doesn't recover. Output log attached.


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Stefan Furcht Programmer

We will take a deeper look tomorrow.
Thanks for the saves, logs and detailed description how to reproduce.
This can make finding the root cause way easier for us.

Stefan Furcht Programmer
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Stefan Furcht Programmer
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Stefan Furcht Programmer
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I tried the same but couldn't trigger a freeze this way. I got a slight hick up on cancelling the rally flag though.

But it could well be that the pure amount of minions and the attempt to reach the bombards surrounded with lava (which is not walkable by majority of your minions) caused a path finding spike and a short freeze.
I think this is one for the list of general optimizations we need to look at.
But since we are trying to get the current release free of any major issues I push this ticket back to the next performance optimization pass (before Patch 1.6).

Shaolin Funk

I actually didn't notice any performance drop when trying to path to the bombards (beyond the general low framerate from having so many units on screen anyway), it was only when entering the enemy's area that it froze.

It's a shame you weren't able to replicate it. That suggests it only occurs on certain system configurations - those are the worst bugs to track down!

Stefan Furcht Programmer

Yea it's a pity. I have one guess.
We have the game running here on SSD, maybe it's loading any asset which is too big.
How fast is your HDD?

Shaolin Funk

Interesting idea. I'm not sure how to check how fast my HDD is, but obviously it will be a lot slower than an SSD. Tomorrow I'll try moving the game over to my SSD and see if anything changes.

Shaolin Funk

Ok that wasn't it, I tried running it from my SSD and the behaviour was exactly the same. I think I'll leave it on my SSD though, the faster loading times are nice!

I realised what you meant in your earlier post about pathfinding over lava. When I tried setting a rally on the bombards there was a brief slowdown followed by most of my army turning around and going home, which was quite amusing. The way I've been doing it is to set the rally on the closest accessible tile to each bombard, causing the units to gather next to the lava and the ranged units would then attack automatically. Maybe this is why it didn't replicate for you, if most of your units had wandered off due to not being able to pathfind? Try using either a beast rally or a titan rally to take out the bombards before selling a main rally inside the base, see if it triggers then.

Stefan Furcht Programmer

Holy... now I tried it with minions going on the nearest point to lava to take out bombards using Archon directly on it and once done I rallied into the forge and as early they attacked the door I got exactly this weird freeze.
I have absolutely no clue what this is.
Normally it would cause a stack overflow if something is calling itself recursively.
So there must be an endless loop somewhere and I do not know where to start hunting it.
I realized that it always happens when Archon and other minions attack the two portcullis doors together, but only if the Archon attacked something else before and then he spawns a large army and it freezes.
So I suspect one of Archons raise abilities to trigger the issue.

Stefan Furcht Programmer

It's rather hard to isolate this. It seems to be an issue which requires multiple conditions to be satisfied at once.
We would like to get an hotfix out and thus I need to put this one back for now to have a look at some urgent issues.
Since this one is not easy to reproduce I suspect the amount of people encountering this to be low.
But we will have to take a look into this one at a later point.