Freeze on final level when entering the forge

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  • Not Fixable

As in title. I had no problems raiding the area to the west with the matriarchs (crypt? necropolis?) but when I head east to take out the forge, the game locks up as soon as my army attempts to enter. It doesn't even get as far as breaking the doors down; as soon as they start bashing it immediately freezes and doesn't recover. Output log attached.


Game Version:
Steam Public

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Shaolin Funk

Yay! I'm glad you were able to reproduce it.

Stefan Furcht

Cian Noonan Please find a smaller isolated reproduction case and assign it back to me.


So we have looked into this and determined that the cause is likely due to performance issues caused by the path finding system.

We will be looking to fix this in a future patch

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  • Not Fixable

Hey Shaolin Funk,

Unfortunately we will not be able to fix this bug. We are both unable to track down the root cause and must dedicate our increasingly limited resources on the development of the upcoming 2.0 patch. We all want to apologise for not being able to correct this, you have definitely found a gem here, but as well known as your ticket is around the office we want to improve the general experience of WFTO with new animations, art, aspects, gamemodes, campaigns and QOL improvements. In order to do this we have to abandon the harder to replicate bugs such as this, hopefully the content that we have prioritised will make up for this.

Again we are sorry to disappoint with this issue.

Cheers on behalf of the Brightrock Team


Shaolin Funk

I don't blame you for not wanting to spend any more time on such an obscure bug! I'm not disappointed at all. Looking forward to 2.0, sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun.