OSX crashes on startup - bug report

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  • Completed - Resolved

Hello, this is crashing upon startup for me. About one minute in, or when dialogue first starts: 'Welcome...' *crash*. I'm opting to post this now because the other resolved issues seem to be due to taking out a second monitor, which I don't have.

I've put some of the bug info below.

OSX, Sierra, 27-inch (2560x1440)

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660M 512 MB

2.9 GHz Intel Core i5

16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660M 512 MB


Game Version:
Steam Public
Duplikaty 5
Game hangs up after klicking on "play" in Campaign Mode

Game proceeds nomally, 'til i klick in campaign mode "play" to start the first chapter. Game freezes.

Sandbox Mode seems to function.

Mac OS 10.12.1

Ram 8GB

CPU 2,6 Ghz Intel Core i7


NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M 1024 MB
Intel HD Graphics 4000 1536 MB

Crash on Start Up Mac OS

Game crashes on startup showing nothing but a black screen. I tried removing my second monitor. This made no change. I have also verified the local game cash in steam several times. Still no change.

Screen Shot 2016-12-15 at 15.27.33.png


My hardware and software version are in the attached screen shots. I have also attached the log files. I game version is the latest from steam.

Hi,I'm on OS X. Here are my specs: I remember...


I'm on OS X. Here are my specs:

Image 2156

I remember playing the game and the Heart of Gold Expansion on 10.9.5 and everything worked perfectly. I recently updated to El Captitan and saw the new Crucible Update and was very interested in trying it. When I launch the game I get weird artifacts on my screen:

Image 2157

After a few seconds everything is back to normal. I decided to play the campaign again but when I launch the first level (1 - Awakening) the game just gets stuck and all I see is:

Image 2158

and a short part of the audio is looped. I tried to disconnect my secondary monitor because I read this might help but it basically leads to the same issues I described. I'm including my log file Player.log

Hope this can be fixed soon

Best Regards

Marcel Schulz

Cannot start first level on OSX


I cannot start the first level, I get the following screen:

No loading indicators appear or anything. First time trying to play the game. I am on OSX Sierra 10.12.1.

System report of my Mac:

Model Name: MacBook Pro

Model Identifier: MacBookPro11,3

Processor Name: Intel Core i7

Processor Speed: 2.6 GHz

Number of Processors: 1

Total Number of Cores: 4

L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB

L3 Cache: 6 MB

Memory: 16 GB

NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M:

Chipset Model: NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M

Type: GPU

Bus: PCIe

PCIe Lane Width: x8

VRAM (Total): 2048 MB

Vendor: NVIDIA (0x10de)

Device ID: 0x0fe9

Revision ID: 0x00a2

ROM Revision: 3776

Automatic Graphics Switching: Supported

gMux Version: 4.0.8 [3.2.8]

Metal: Supported

Application not responding - OSX



Mac Pro.spx

games launches, can select parameters then the intro screen , full bar then stuck, hand no moves & OSX says application not responding

Pinned replies
  • Odpowiedź
  • Completed - Next Patch

Hey all, 

We will be pushing an update in the next few days which has fixed this issue. Please get back to us once you have updated if you still experience the crash


@Stefan - I think so.

Just ran the game for the first time on my mac. After initially crashing so hard it took down the Steam Client too, it managed to run until entering a campaign. Tried a few times, no success.

Disabled cut-scenes and tried again - made it into the campaigns, and through the first one with no issues.

Stefan Furcht

Can everyone else confirm or deny that their issue is quick fixed / the game does not crash when cutscenes are disabled?
Or is anyone having still a crash issue when they are disabled?

Stefan Furcht

Glad to hear and thanks for reporting back!

You are only missing 4 cutscenes of this kind: a start and an ending cutscene of each of both campaigns.
All other scenes are in-game or in-campaign-menu I don't like to spoil but can say most things are done in a way that should work for you which are not disabled by this option.

Enjoy :)

mr zimm

Can confirm, was able to start the first mission in the campaign after disabling the cutscenes!

Thank you for the hotfix, I look forward to seeing the cutscenes, but I greatly appreciate being able to start in on some of the missions.

Stefan Furcht

I just realize that some of you get this crash when starting the camapign.
We suspect it is caused by the video cutscene trying to play.
We have added am option to disable video cutscenes in a recent hotfix to bypass this problem:

In case the game crashes when you start either campaign, can you try if disabling cutscenes allows you to play the campaigns?
Activate this checkbox: http://imgur.com/a/DylI6

It is no perfect solution and swe still need to find the root cause with thrid party help,
but would at least help you to keep going for now.



ok thanks for the quick reply, I'm happy to wait for a fix, as the game looks so good & reminds me of an old fav dungeon keeper & dungeon keeper II .... these were epic games in their time.

Stefan Furcht
  • Pending Third Party

Hello Paulevans,
we are sorry for such inconvenience and you are not the only one with this issue.
We are waiting for third party support from our UI middleware vendor.
However if you not want to wait for a fix and you just got the game it is possible to refund it on steam store if you played less than 2 hours.
A fix will come for sure but might take a while as it depends on a third party.
I am merging your report into the existing thread.

Scott Richmond Programmer & Producer
Quote from jjjflanagan


Thanks for getting back to me. I'm actually away from my computer for a month but will do this when I get back.


Thanks for letting me know. Will you post updates somewhere?



You should get updates via email automatically as we progress this ticket. :)



Thanks for getting back to me. I'm actually away from my computer for a month but will do this when I get back.


Thanks for letting me know. Will you post updates somewhere?



Stefan Furcht
  • Pending Third Party

Hello guys,
I merged some duplicates into this report as all show the same characteristic:
- Crashes caused by a bug of chromium engine (used by our UI middleware CoherentUI) on OSX Sierra 10.12.1 and 10.12.2
([warn] kq_init: detected broken kqueue; not using.: Undefined error: 0)

We raised a bug report at our middleware vendor and hope to get support on this issue soon.
So we need to wait for a third party support.
Sorry for all inconvenience and thank you in advance for your patience.