Restarts computer

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  • Completed - Resolved

Just installed the game. Tried first play through of Campaign and around the first wave of enemy coming in, my computer reboots.

Game Version:
Steam Public
Andrew "Nutter" Jaggar

Apparently the new fixed version of the patch was pushed out this morning and should be live now.

Let us know if it's helped with your issue or not :)

CMDR Bill Paxton

I made it into the 4th campaign level before it rebooted. Thought for sure it was fixed. Much better than before, where I couldn't even finish a single level.

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager

That's an improvement at the very least, the next time you get a reboot can you chuck us across a new output log that might indicate if something has changed on our side.

My suspicion is now there must be something happening Unity or Middleware side if you saw an improvement after a patch because we didn't make any changes in our code that were likely to affect you which means that the updates we did to these third party aspects must have brought a change.

@Stefan any thoughts?

Stefan Furcht Programmer

Not really as this is a very strange case and we yet have no pointers what is causing this.
But surely it can not be related to our code and since we updated Unity3d and CoherentUI to newest versions it might have helped, yet it should not trigger a sudden reboot no matter what.
We found recently a memory leak in Unity3d when loading from scene to scene which seems to be fixed in newest Beta (which we will update to once out of Beta), but I not sure if it could be related anyhow.
However did you play all 4 levels in one go and have you checked if you get unusually high RAM usages before the game reboots?

CMDR Bill Paxton

I played all 4 in a row. Next time I play, I will check memory usage in task manager occasionally while playing to see how much ram is being used. If it does reboot, I will get the log file and post it as well.

Stefan Furcht Programmer

Let us know if there is a high memory usage (> 8GB) before it happens.
If so it might fix it self with Unity 5.5, however it is unsure if it will be ready when we release the next patch version 1.5, but if not it will be patched into version 1.5.1.
if its unrelated to the Unity memory leak we need to investigate further to find the cause.

CMDR Bill Paxton

I ran the game in a window so that I could watch the Windows resource monitor and see how much RAM was being used while playing. Just finished playing campaign level 4 "Shades of Grey". Total memory "in use" was at 7558 MB right at the end of the level, and the exe file WFTOGame.exe was 6,989,004 (kb). Level played flawlessly.

CMDR Bill Paxton

Was playing level 6 "Behind Enemy Lines" and during it, my computer rebooted. Last I looked memory usage for WFTOGame.exe was over 6m, not sure of the exact number.

Stefan Furcht Programmer

The new Patch will be available soon.
Would be interesting if the issue will be resolved finally.

CMDR Bill Paxton

Thanks for the update I will check it out and try to get some game time in this weekend and post back my findings here.