Alchemy lab bugged in multiplayer

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  • Completed - Resolved

This bug is client only

I build alchemy lab - 5x5 for example, then I am able to queue 4 potions (1 per prop). When I use them, I am not able to queue anymore potions because game thinks that my potions are still ready to use (they are not). The only way to queue more potions is to sell alchemy lab and rebuild it.

Not sure if all potions cause this issue, I use spirit worker one.

Game Version:
Steam Public

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Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Completed - Resolved

Huh, you probably started thinking i made it up :P

Stefan Furcht Programmer
  • Completed - Next Patch
Stefan Furcht Programmer

I was meanwhile able to reproduce an issue here.
To trigger the problem you need to very quickly grab potions of one type and create potions of a different type.
This can cause that the host does not remove the potion references on cauldrons and thus they are occupied on host, while free on client.
When the client chooses a free cauldron to brew a new potion, while this one is occupied on server, the host will deny the attempt and the potion won't be brewed.
This issue was caused by the grab event arriving delayed on the server and if you were faster in grabbing and building a new potion the issue popped.
But now we explicitly tell the server to remove the potion right when the client grabs it from the cauldron.
This does not only theoretically fix it, but I can not trigger it again now in the way I was able before fixing it.

So long story short: It's fixed in next patch :)

Stefan Furcht Programmer
  • V řešení

All the bugs I ecountered were happening while I was playing this collection: (usually 2players+2AI vs AI)

These maps are large and have ALOT of units on them

Stefan Furcht Programmer

If you would catch the moment it happens in a little vid this would likely make more clear how it could be triggered.
Maybe you just do something different than I do and thus I fail to trigger the problem.
Just one extra question: was it on a large custom map? Which one was it?


Hey, I'm 100% sure I never played any beta build. All these bugs happened for me after you guys fixed slaughterpen bug ("Slaughterpen Pigs should no longer become uneatable over the course of a long game session, causing mass hunger through your dungeon") because I refused to play the game until it was fixed which means I was playing with lastest patch applied.

I always grab potions via interface. I dont think there was anything unusual about it.

I reinstalled the game and I will be playing with a friend tomorrow and try to replicate all these bugs, post screenshots, output log, maybe make a movie out of it

Stefan Furcht Programmer
  • Pending Customer

I keep failing to reproduce this one since quite a while now (playing for 1.5 hours as client).
I did built stuff on almost the entire map I even get some lags now, but the Alchemy Lab does not want to break for me.
And (as with the bugged rally flag cancel icons for client) also here we had a similar internal bug report before which was fixed and this fix should be in current public version.
So for me it is important, that you are not in a Beta Branch on Steam which might be outdated?
If not, did you do anything specific when using the potions?
Did you grab them via UI or directly from the cauldrons?
Did you apply them in any unusual way or at an unusual place?

Stefan Furcht Programmer
  • Accepted

Thank you for the in depth explanation how to trigger it.
This should hopefully be enough to find the cause.
I will export this one to the internal bug tickets.