No achievement for defeating 3 master ai's on one map
not a bug just a surprise.
I misread one of the achievement descriptions and so proceeded to play a 1 v 3 map with master ai's for the 3 slots.
Took a while about an hour and a bit but beat them and was expecting to earn an achievement however to my dispair there was none.
Is it just me expecting too much for accomplishing which others have probably done a lot faster or is there actually an achievement but my game just hasn't registered it.
P. S sorry for not adding this to the normal forums but I can't seem to register. Try logging in to wftogame/brightrock forums with Facebook and says something like.... It's a trial platform and I need an admin to invite me or something.
Anyway thanks.
Sorry about posting this in The bug section bit as I said, I can't log in to brightrock forums as says requires admin rights or something.
The map I played does have WFTO as the author as I've not downloaded any workshop maps.
We'll I've just finished a 1v1 with a master AI....i can't remember which achievement I'm after now lol.