Heart of Gold mission 2 - extreme fps fluctuations

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  • Completed - Resolved

Hi Lee,

I'm in the second Heart of Gold level, having discovered and activated half of the golden artifacts. However, after some time, after I created some outposts deep in enemy territory, I start getting extreme fps fluctuations, somewhere between 30 and 1 fps. The CPU load monitor in the Windows Task Manager is all over the place for my four cores. The game becomes completely unplayable.
I could repeat this behaviour by reloading a previous savegame and continuing to play. First my fps were at a steady 40 fps, then with the creation of outposts and expanding into enemy territory the same behaviour started to show - extreme lagging and fps fluctuations. Do you know of this issue? If not, can you please have a look into this savegame? Maybe you can tell where the issue is.
P.S.: I read through some of the bugtracker entries, and I can say that my AMD Phenom II X4 3.4 GHz normally runs WFTO with a steady 30-40 fps. Even the last mission of the main game ran flawlessly until the moment when I threw about 100 creatures on the enemy's defenses (then it became a slideshow). I have 8 GB of RAM (as menioned previously), and WFTO eats up to 6 GB of it (at times even more). Still, even then it runs flawlessly with all four CPU cores on full load. Only Heart of Gold mission 2 seems to be an issue (so far). I have yet to play the next mission.
P.P.S.: WFTO is the first game where I have to open my computer case and cool my CPU with an additional fan. Due to the load on all four cores the CPU heats up to 73 degrees Celsius and the BIOS warning starts beeping. With the additional fan I keep the temps around 63 degrees, which is perfectly fine.


Game Version:
Steam Public

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Scott Richmond Programmer & Producer

Reviewed the savegame and determined the root cause - The top left area of the map has been blocked off by replacement wall and is a good case study in causing worker tasks to perform a full exhaustive path search, consuming 300-400ms of time every so often. Spoke with Stefan and unfortunately there is no short-term fix for it. We'll need to look into threading out the entire native pathfinder on to another thread some time next year.


This will be right around Patch 1.6 and the second expansion, right? Anyway, I really appreciate your effort!

Scott Richmond Programmer & Producer

Yeah I suspect we'll get it down around that time. Apologies for the inconvienence and thanks for the report.

Stefan Furcht Programmer
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Stefan Furcht Programmer

I will do some profiling but can not promise if a quick solution can be found.

Stefan Furcht Programmer

We had some success in improving the performance of your save game (reducing the main performance impact cause to only 5% time per frame of what it was before)

However we need to assure that the changes made do not impact the quality of worker task solving negatively.
Thus we wont release this fix with coming Patch 1.5.0 and let it under quality assurance for a later patch.

Stefan Furcht Programmer
  • Completed - Next Patch
Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Completed - Resolved