Vampires & Arena

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I'm not sure if its a bug, oversight or simply bad design choice but if player puts 2 or more vampires together in arena then they will fight forever.

This basically dismisses entire effort needed to maintain them and gives player unbalanced way to gain "titan level" overpowered units.

They are always at 100% blood, they dont need to eat prisoners because player can just keep them forever in arena until he uses rally flag.

They quickly level to 10.

They dont take gold while fighting in arena so player can basically never pay them because they are either fighting at rally flag or in the arena.

They never get unhappy or rebel when fighting in the arena no matter how long they are there.

Proper fix would be to not allow them to fight in the arena (make them not droppable there) and only allow them to train in barracks so they still need to eat prisoners and pickup gold from treasury or rebalance vampires altogether.

Game Version:
Steam Public
Stefan Furcht Programmer

Nah they regen blood need in and outside Arena afaik they would always fight forever.
Arena is just making it worse by supressing his blood need entirely.

Andrew "Nutter" Jaggar

Exactly, so reduce (or stop) the blood need being filled whilst attacking in the arena and the issue in this ticket is resolved, since vampires couldn't remain in there indefinitely.

Putting them in the arena would only be temporary until the need for blood reached a level that they left to go look for a meal. Yes they'd still probably have all their health, but surely the priority to satisfy that need would mean that dropping them back in the arena would just trigger them to leave again, until the blood need was satisfied.


Stefan Furcht Programmer

But their blood need and their health, both regenerate while attacking.
If you imagine any battle with only Vampires it would last forever.

Andrew "Nutter" Jaggar

The issue isn't their health, it's their blood need (or rather the lack of blood need due to current mechanics). This is pretty easily resolved by lowering (or removing entirely) the blood gain from combat whilst in the arena.

Stefan Furcht Programmer

This is no solution in my opinion as vampire would have the same problem outside the Arena.
I think the ability is OP when it can fully compensate damage taken from an equal unit, which can cause endless battles no matter what.
Secondly I think Vampirism should not apply to Vampires nor to non living things like Defences or Inhibitors/Cores.
I think the best thing would be to rework some basics of this ability.

Josh Bishop

Stefan Furcht Possible to disable self healing in the Arena?

Andrew "Nutter" Jaggar
  • Accepted

It's (probably) an oversight, which I am hoping to get fixed as soon as possible :)

Thanks for the report.