Game not working in fullscreen mode (OS X)

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War of the Overworld can't run in fullscreen mode on OSX 10.11.2. Right after start game seams to trying run in fullscreen mode, but window blinks several times and runs in windowed mode. Using CMD + F or using window controls to go to fullscreen doesn't work. Game working in windowed mode very well.

Logs from system console (game is running in main menu and I trying to run fullscreen):

04/01/16 18:53:48,142 kernel[0]: process WFTO[1037] thread 128304 caught burning CPU!; EXC_RESOURCE supressed due to audio playback

04/01/16 18:53:48,423 launchservicesd[75]: SecTaskLoadEntitlements failed error=22

04/01/16 18:53:48,522 WindowServer[160]: Display 0x2b282bcd captured by conn 0x27c97
04/01/16 18:53:48,526 WindowServer[160]: Display 0x335c4143 captured by conn 0x27c97
04/01/16 18:53:48,920 launchservicesd[75]: SecTaskLoadEntitlements failed error=22
04/01/16 18:53:49,483 WindowServer[160]: Display 0x2b282bcd released by conn 0x27c97
04/01/16 18:53:49,746 WindowServer[160]: Display 0x335c4143 released by conn 0x27c97

Game Version:
Steam Public
Stefan Furcht Programmer

I just ask to be sure:
And in the in-game Display Options you have set it to fullscreen?

Tomasz Janusz

Yes, exacly :)

Stefan Furcht Programmer

This sounds really odd and so far I have no clue why it doesn't work for you.
Can you start the game just trigger the issue and close it, then grab the Player.log and upload it here?
(As specified here )
Maybe this gives us pointers what is going wrong on your end.


Stefan Furcht Programmer

Seems it could well be an issue with your OSX version: