Golden Colossus stops attacking after saving and reloading
In level 4 of Heart of Gold, I was going for all the achievements there (specifically the timed one) and making a few saves.
I then fail to reach the goal, reload and get a little miffed at the Colossus just sitting there idly not attacking. It still sort of moves towards the rally flag but it doesn't fight.
All it does is give of the aureate monolith sparkle.
If I posses it I can still fight manually but other than that it is just a big target. None of my other minions seem to be affected.
On a side note.
Is the Golden Colossus supposed to be a level 1 creature? It doesn't matter much given the physical strength, passive abilities and loads of health. But since the other summoned supercreatures are level 10 it seems a little weird to me.
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It was an issue with conflicting names for abilities of Aureate Monolith and Colossus which made the Colossus reload with the Monoliths Steal Gold ability.
This ability was then usable for by the Colossus fighting system and was triggered endlessly without any restrictions ot cooldown which made the Colossus stuck instead of him doing any other actions.
This problem will be fixed in next Patch.
Thanks for pointing us to this issue! :)