Pathing issues - minions can't find locations or just stay standing

  • Views 11069
  • uuendatud
  • Completed - Resolved

I see this was marked as fixed for 1.4, but I am getting major pathing issues on 1.4.2f8.

On large or complicated maps (e.g. Arcane Prison from the Workshop maps), if you dismiss a rally flag, the minions will remains standing where they are and complain about not being able to reach food/lair. I often have to put a rally flag back down the path and then release it.

Game Version:
Steam Public Beta

Kuidas te hindaksite meie klienditeenindust?

Satisfaction mark by rlund 8 aastat tagasi

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Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager

Sounds very unusual, thanks for the info and the save we'll be sure to give it a look into next week :)


You're welcome :-)

Forgot to mention this happened on my gaming computer, the one with the proper nVidia card.


Another very similar situation:

Map 8 Desecration - the lava section of the map. My necromancers will happily just stand in the lava getting burned without moving out even if I set the rally flag. I zoomed in one one and made a save game.

Stefan Furcht Programmer

Hello Rlund,
Do you encounter these issues directly after you load one of your save games?
I ask because I somehow don't. eg. in your first saves from Arcane Prison, when I dismiss rally the all flag, units find correctly back to their facilities but those who don't have needs (eg. Roussimoff, Ember Demons).
But when you load this save game and you dismiss the rally, you run into an issue where some normal minions or beasts do not find back to their facilities to satisfy their needs?


Stefan Furcht Programmer
  • Alustatud

I actually didn't test if this happens if I load the savegame - it was the other way round: I encountered it and created the savegame for you.

Tonight after work I'll try out the savegames myself to see if they recreate the situation.

Stefan Furcht Programmer
  • Completed - Next Patch

Hello Rlund,

We found the cause and fixed the issue internally.
A bad timing issue between waiting for a query for a far away location to complete and thus going idle, then deciding to chat to nearby units and turning to face them while they needed to go towards home, while being pushed away by other units nearby unable to move forward and querying again in an endless loop of death.
(Maybe this sentence should be split in multiple :D)

We will release a Patch or Hotfix once we accomplished a couple more bug fixes soon.
For now as a workaround either:
- slap many of the minions
- grab and drop them outside the minion cluster
- simply recall them home
(many WFTO Players don't know that Recall spell can be applied to any rally flag icon to recall ALL units belonging to this group even on Rally all = recall ALL)

Hope this helps!


Heh, yea, that's quite the sentence :-) But being a programmer myself I actually got it ;-)

And I just started using the Recall spell on the rally icon. Kinda wish the heal spell worked that way, too, but that might go a little too far :-)

Thanks so much, you guys are awesome! Looking forward to that patch.

Stefan Furcht Programmer

Thanks a lot for supporting us and finding bugs :)
Yea on flag icons directly applied only Recall works because the designer said for other spells it would not be clear enough which units would be affected.
However ALL spells can be applied to single units in a group(flag) if you expand the flag icon (arrow right to it) to show the detailed units in this group (not available for rally all but all other flags).
You can apply spells to each of the unit icons there individually.
Furthermore ALL spells can be applied to the unit portaits in the minion panel and on the left of the panel you can select a a filtered view either by mood, current activity, combat state or XP level and ALL spells apply to each of the categories which do contain units.
Each time you click to apply a spell on a portrait(=unit type) or a category(=unit type & filter) it takes the next unit in that group and you can right click to zoom to the unit which would be affected by next click(spell) in advance, if you care.

Hope this compensates a bit for the lack to apply spells directly to flag icons (except recall which works).



I was OK with not having all spells available to the rally icon - in fact, just having the recall spell is huge, and I'm bummed that it took me so long to figure out how useful that is! (Pretty much after every major battle, my minions are tired or hungry or greedy, so the faster I can get them home, the better - so this is the perfect solution for that!).

Also thanks for the instructions, I'll try them out when I have the opportunity.