Recalled units don't flee after Recall fizzles

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Unless the Mentor is not to believe, as he said they will attempt to flee if Recall is interrupted for them.

Game Version:
Steam Public

Surely it would make sense that the only abilities they'd try to use whilst fleeing are ones which help with getting away (namely stuns and slows), anything else just gives the chaser time to catch up.

Stefan Furcht Programmer

Well this is what they do Nutter, they can use "out of combat abilities" while fleeing.
I had the "attack occasionally" thing before but as units run then back towards an enemy it gets recognized as a bug I fear.
Now they would only attack doors or ramparts which block them from getting further to their home.

Stefan Furcht Programmer
  • Completed - Resolved

I think the OP should be fine as units flee now always. In my opinion we should keep that unless anyone finds a problem with it.
If so, please report a new bug.

Stefan Furcht Programmer
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Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
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