Black screen on startup

  • Views 26,020
  • updated
  • Completed - Resolved

Having been a Windows user for 20+ years, I'm now trying to convert to Linux. As such, I've installed Linux Mint 18 and the Linux version of Steam, but every time I try to launch WFTO I get a black screen and nothing else. Alt+F4 closes it (in proper Windows style).

The current version of WFTO is 1.4.2. If I go into Steam's Beta's section for WFTO and choose previousbuild (in this case 1.3.2) or the publictestbranch (v1.4.0 hotfix testing), the game launches without issue.

Game Version:
Steam Public

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Satisfaction mark by Infidelus 8 years ago

The team helped as much as they could, even when I got a bit frustrated with them for seeming lack of helpful updates on a Linux issue.

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Scott Richmond Programmer & Producer
  • Pending Customer

It is highly likely due to bad GPU drivers in Linux. Ensure you've got the most up to date drivers. You may need to do some research into which drivers work best for your configuration due to how fragmented Linux is with GPU drivers.


Unfortunately as I'm using an AMD Radeo 7850 card, there are no newer drivers for Linux. Also, the fact that the publictest and previousbuild versions both work seems to point to something unrelated to graphics drivers.

Scott Richmond Programmer & Producer

Can you please provide the Player.log for review?



No problem. Please see attached

Scott Richmond Programmer & Producer

Hrm it looks like something to do with Gtk (The UI system Linux uses) or the theme it uses:

/usr/share/themes/Mint-Y/gtk-2.0/main.rc:1084: error: unexpected identifier `direction', expected character `}'

A quick google shows that it is a fairly common issue with Steam games. I can only assume that your UI theme doesn't work with the 3D engine we're using (Unity3D) for the specific version we're on. By chance, we're actually going to be pushing out a hotfix with a new version of Unity3D in a few days. So you could wait for that, or look into the above error and your theming system in the meantime.

Let me know how you get on, and I'll let our Community Manager know of this thread and to get in touch with you when we push the hotfix live.


Thanks Scott,

I'll have a look and see if there's anything I can do from this end (although I'm still learning Linux so won't get my hopes too high :)). In the meantime I look forward to the patch to see if that resolves the issue.

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Accepted

Moving this to Accepted in my queue to remind me. Just to give you a heads up, we've had trouble pushing the hotfix due to an unusual issue uploading our builds to Steam.


Hi Lee & Scott,

Any news on a fix for the above yet?

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager

Ah yes should have been rolled out a little while ago. 1.4.2f8 is the latest public version and the reports we had were extremely positive for fixes.

Give it a go and let us know how it went.

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Pending Customer