Keyboard commands not working
As I progress in the campaign, I feel the need to use the keyboard commands to rally my creatures etc.
But some of them do not seem to work. Arrows work fine, but numerical keys do not work.
This might be somehow related to the fact that my keyboard is configured in the standard French layout AZERTY where the default character for the keys situated above the letters are not figures but accented letters and other symbols. Figures are accessed with the Shift key.
Anyway, I tried to modify the settings, but again things do not work right : when I try to assign the character & to the command "rally group number 1" (as this symbol is situated on the 1 key in AZERTY), my input in the option panel is ignored. If I try to assign the combination Shift+& (also, 1), the command is registered as Shift+Shift.
I think the game should access the keyboard events at a lower level when they are not used to input actual text. It is customary in French-localised games that the 1-9 keys above the letters be used as number input in this case, even if it is not conform to the text-input layout.
Assuming complete due to lack of customer response.