Cannot dismiss titans

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  • Completed - Resolved

No matter what I do, I cannot dismiss titans. I DO slap them very fast, like 3-4 times per second.

Maybe it's my mouse or something? I use logitech M500 mouse together with logitech setpoint software, which allows to change mouse buttons functions. However, I haven't changed right mouse button function.

Game Version:
Steam Public

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Známka spokojenosti od Old Cat Před 8 roků

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Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Completed - Resolved
Stefan Furcht Programmer

Since Titan dismissal was disabled for the entire campaign, we now introduced a flag for this in the level mutator, which is only applied to Heart of Gold level 4.

This means now slapping Titans to death will always work except in said level.

I guess we took a shortcut on this one which was way too short :)
Thanks for reporting!

Stefan Furcht Programmer
  • Completed - Next Patch
Stefan Furcht Programmer
  • V řešení
[Dev] Nanorock

Change to be mutator / Aplly only to HoG4

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
Quote from Old Cat

Even so, I see no reason to disable this option in the home realm.

It was just disabled on a blanket scale for the entire campaign. Chances are it'll instead be parred down to the levels it effects.

Old Cat

Even so, I see no reason to disable this option in the home realm.

Stefan Furcht Programmer

Nano disabled slapping Titans to death on purpose because the QA Team reported that this can be dangerous especially in HoG level 4 where killing the Colossus does end the level.
However I think in general the user should be able to get a rid of its Titan even in campaign mode.
(In some levels it might be even useful to change strategy quickly)
What do you think we should do about this matter?

Stefan Furcht Programmer

Hello Old Cat,
seems like slapping titans to death is disabled on purpose, because there are some levels where killing the titan accidentally can make you lose the level.
I will pass this ticket to the designer, to get some feedback what is finally the best solution for this issue.

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Accepted

Confirmed that this is happening on Campaign Levels Home Realm & C13, but not in Sandbox.