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Good evening. Play the game impossible. Previously, when setting any graphics, games, and computer speed that was weaker - the game "flew" the computer has now become more powerful and the game began to give out 1 fps. It begins well, but as soon as the battle goes longer than 1 minute - all, the game freezes.

Добрый вечер. Играть в игру невозможно. Раньше при любой настройке графики, скорости игры и компьютере который был слабее - игра "летела", сейчас компьютер стал мощнее но и игра стала выдавать 1 фпс. Начинается все хорошо, но как только битва идет дольше 1 минуты - всё, игра застывает.

Game Version:
Steam Public
Scott Richmond Programmer & Producer
  • Declined
Stefan Furcht Programmer

I can not see anything special in the log, so the low FPS is not caused by errors at least.

Quote from anonymous

are you playing on an mobile laptop with intel graphics inside (next to your nvidia graphics card)?

No, on a stationary PC

Sergey SADevil Shilov
Quote from anonymous

Author of the bug-report will be away from his computer for a few weeks. He asked me to answer for him.

He has desktop computer with integrated graphics on i5 4460. Also assigning high perfomance processor to CoherentUI_Host.exe helped him to raise FPS to ~40 in battle and ~50 when nothing happens. But when FPS jumps he still experiences short freezes.

Also he says that he has comparable perfomance on much slower notebook.

  • Accepted

are you playing on an mobile laptop with intel graphics inside (next to your nvidia graphics card)?

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Accepted

Going to pass on to Code to check the save file and output log.

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Under Review

Problems with fps began shortly before the release of "heart of gold", the computer was weaker in terms of the graphics card and in RAM. Playing on any map, bud card from the studio or personally created, or a standard or campaign - after a while began with 60 fps drop to 50, 55, 40 and so on. It is not stopped during a battle on 15 and below, and during a lull in the 20-15 fps. It does not depend on the number of creatures or buildings on the map: it can be both 2 and 8 Den of Shadows, or 25 portals 180 tvarey- result is: during the battle and the subsequent 5-1 FPS game freezes. After the "heart of gold" for a few days everything was fine in terms of fps, I even had time to go through the campaign. Later, I began to make a map for Steam Workshop and play it - fps began to fall to the "cherished" 15-1. I decided to test the campaign, but there was the same problem.

Проблемы с fps начались незадолго до выхода "золотое сердце", компьютер был слабее и в плане видеокарты, и в RAM. Играя на любой карте, буд то карта из мастерской или собственноручно созданная, или стандартная или кампания - спустя некоторое время fps стал с 60 падать до 50, 55, 40 и так далее. Пока не останавливался во время битвы на 15 и ниже, и во время затишья на 20-15 fps. Это не зависит от количества созданий или построек на карте : может быть как 2 Логова и 8 теней, или 25 порталов 180 тварей- результат один : во время битвы 5-1 фпс и последующие зависания игры. После выхода "золотое сердце" на несколько дней все было прекрасно в плане fps , я даже успел пройти кампанию. Позже я стал делать карту для мастерской Steam и играть в нее - fps стал падать до "заветных" 15-1. Я решил проверить кампанию, но и там та же самая проблема.


Извиняюсь за опоздание. Обстоятельства.

Forgive me for being late. Circumstances.


save file 2


Характеристики ПК;(characteristics PK)

Windows 7 pro 64

i5-4460 cpu 3.2


Ram 16384mb

nvidia geforce gtx960