Unable to claim empire tiles

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I've had this a few times, but it's just happened in a place that breaks a game, so it's inspired a bug-post.

Symptom - workers refuse to claim enemy tiles.

I was playing a workshop map, named The Vault (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198031969859/myworkshopfiles/?appid=230190&browsefilter=mysubscriptions&p=2)

The map has a bridge, then a chamber with lots of portcullis and traps, and empire units. This then leads into a corridor. Once I'd cleared the room out, the imps converted maybe 4/5ths of the first room, but refused to convert any of the corridor.

I used the imp rally flag, and they'd stand idle beside the empire tile.

I dropped them on the edge of the tile, and they just wandered off.

Nothing was attacking them, and they were just idle (so no higher priority tasks in the way).

It was as if the tile had been flagged as 'empire non-claimable'.

I've had this in smaller doses in other workshop maps, but not had so many tiles in one place blocked out.

I was under 25mins into the game, and it was a fresh game (not saved it & reloaded). It was also the first map I've tried to play since starting WTFO.

I'm on a 64bit machine with 16g ram on Win10.

This is version 1.3.1f5.


Game Version:
Steam Public
Stefan Furcht Programmer

So was it caused by the hidden Blate Loti there?
We still didn't encounter any issues (other than that) with claiming empire tiles during recent testing.


I've just tried again, and unless the blade lotii are determined not to attack anything (units as well as imps), I don't think so.

I've rallied many units over those tiles, and imps still refuse to claim them. An example.

Note the two "idle" imps standing near the pointer. This is despite the three nearby empire tiles that should be claimable. The units that have gone through that area include a behemoth, 5 ember demons and a number of ground troops. We fought a fair sized battle in that corridor. Surely something would have set off the lotii, if there's one there.

I noticed that it took several drop-ins before that imp who is claiming a tile would deign to do it - that's about my 4th attempt to claim that tile. (I wonder if that means that whatever causes the "idle" is the problem, and that it's not a tile-claiming problem but a lazy-imp problem?)

Stefan Furcht Programmer

Well your screenshot looks a bit messy, because there is units and flags everywhere around the tile you are talking about and so it is hard to see what is going on.
Are you sure you know what you are doing with all these flags?
You have placed quite many flags there, I can see some are Worker Rally but some could be Impasse (it's hard to see).
You know that workers won't claim tiles which are in the area of an Impasse flag?
Also if you put Worker Rally at a place workers will prioritise tasks in range over all other tasks on the map.
So as long there are any open tasks in range of a Worker Rally flag workers will never do any task elsewhere until directly assigned by drop.
However Impasse is stronger than Worker Rally, meaning if both areas overlap the Impasse will deny all tasks in its range.

Can you remove all these worker flags (right click the icons) and rally units a bit away to make a screenshot which makes it easier to see what is going on.
Maybe you just had an Impasse around the tile not claimed and it does fix it for you.
But if not then please make a new screenshot and hover the tile supposed to be claimed, so we can see the tooltip of it.



Yes, I'm sure I know what I'm doing with the flags, thanks.

1. I am not using impasse flags.

2. Most of the flags are worker-rally flags - specifically to get them to focus on those tiles.

3. There are also unit-rally flags - to get the units to walk over those tiles, to trigger any lotii that might be on the tiles.

Still - nevermind. We've been talking about this for 3 weeks. It seems I'm the only one with this problem, and just on this map. It's probably not worth your time from here. (Plenty of other maps I can play.)


Stefan Furcht Programmer

Hrm... what I guess then there is still a lag issue which can break worker tasking.
You might only encounter it, when a map is literally too big and bloated with stuff for your pc.
So while this map lagged quite heavily for me, my rig was maybe still strong enough to not run into that issue.
However if you encounter this issue again, without having utter lags, please let us know.
Thanks for provided info so far and reporting anyway.