HoG level 3: enemy waves don't seem to spawn (or arrive)

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  • Completed - Resolved

On HoG level 3, where you have to fill the melting pot, regular announcements of enemy waves heading your way are made. But I don't seem to see any attackers arriving. Is it a bug or are they supposed to come from a certain point and sometimes fail to arrive? The outposts don't seem to spawn anything but sappers.

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Jan - Eric Merzel
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thank you for youir report

Josh Bishop

Nano Boucher Wasn't this discovered and fixed a while ago? Can you investigate?

Quote from Josh Bishop

Nano Boucher Wasn't this discovered and fixed a while ago? Can you investigate?

Yes it has been fixed a while ago. Perhaps the mod forgot to update the status of this bug.

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Completed - Resolved
Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager

I believe this wasn't exported when it was first created, possibly due to an issue with the link between UE and Jira. Excellent to hear it's resolved though :)