Possession door doesn't open.

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Windows 8.1 64 bit, 8 Gm RAM, Intel(R) Core(TM) I7-4500 CPU1.80 GHz 2.40GHz GPU: AMD Radeon R7 M265, Intel(R) HD Graphics Family. Version game 1.40f11

In the map editor found a door called the Possession door - is invulnerable. Made a map with 3 such doors. None of them opened. Though the left click, though right click is to no avail. Video and save attached.


Possession door doesn't open. Imps do not extract the gold from active gold shrine..rar


War for the Overworld Launcher Log.txt

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Very strange. I want to see video games on the map with possession door, which they open, eve the enemy is defeated.

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The problem with these doors was observed and on the other his map - also not opened.

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I tried to reproduce said issue but everything worked fine on my end.

Please do not forget you can only open this doors in possesion mode. Simply posses one of your creatures, select the door and attack it with your basic attack.

So this might be a misunderstanding.

Anyway, thanks for your report.



Citation de anonymous


I tried to reproduce said issue but everything worked fine on my end.

Please do not forget you can only open this doors in possesion mode. Simply posses one of your creatures, select the door and attack it with your basic attack.

So this might be a misunderstanding.

Anyway, thanks for your report.



I don't understand the phrase "Please do not forget you can only open this doors in possesion mode. Simply posses one of your creatures, select the door and attack it with your basic attack."

You are asking me to attack their own Possession door? Why? Moreover, it is not vulnerable.
Glad you have these doors open. But I don't!
Even in the map editor - I point to Possession door Open, come back to this door - it remains closed.

What information do need from me?
You can go to my laptop via TeamViewer, I pre-loaded this map (map with possession door). And you personally verify that they are impossible to open.
You can contact me through the Discord, one such same - Ontos.

Old Cat

As far as I understand, these doors are special, and the only way to open them is to attack them. No matter what you did in the editor.

Насколько я понимаю, это специальные двери, которые можно открыть только вселившись в кого-нибудь и атаковав их обычной атакой. Независимо от того, какие настройки выставлены в редакторе.

Citation de Old Cat

As far as I understand, these doors are special, and the only way to open them is to attack them. No matter what you did in the editor.

Насколько я понимаю, это специальные двери, которые можно открыть только вселившись в кого-нибудь и атаковав их обычной атакой. Независимо от того, какие настройки выставлены в редакторе.

@Old Cat

This is VERY strange! Why so made? In the description of the doors about it - not a word?
Why do you need doors that belong to you, but to open them - you need to attack them? And even through the universe into being?
Like insanity, it is like curing a cough by tapping my left pinky in the heel of the right foot.

And long the door will be open, after the attack on her?
P.S. Ты знаешь русский язык? Добавишь меня в стиме?

Jan - Eric Merzel
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these doors have the special purpose to create levels that need to be played in possession. this is why you cannot open them like other doors.