Ваші коментарі

Thank You, Wuschelteddy. I used the suggestion in your theme.

My saving.

There are 2 of my game save to the card, which weighs more in kilobytes - is over.

It's annoying and makes it hard to enjoy the game. On large and complex maps, with many creatures and rooms that over time have considerable time to correct inconsistent game mechanics sluggishness or dullness of workers and creatures.

I have no maps*, amendment.

I checked - I have no cards (created by me, or subscriptions) with a colon (:) in the title.

I did as you advised.

1. Removed map Prima Cairos.

2. Checked the integrity of game cache.

It did not help - the import map is empty.

Sorry, bad translator. I wrote that this is a full game on large map, 
was the only problem with the map Stonegate.
P.S. It is bad that you can't edit your text.

I made a card 95 to 105 and the game freezes. Apparently, the problem is with the card Stonegate. Take a look:
The request to fix your map.