Your comments

Already done.

Also posted the fix in the WFTO forum at GOG.

Ran into this problem before with GOG, different game, different symptoms.

Had a Loooooooong "discussion" with GOG support over this. It went nowhere.

Found the problem.

GOG Galaxy is assuming that the person playing the game is connected to the Internet and logged into their GOG account. If not --> the response to the game is gibberish.

The Fix :

# 1 : Uninstall GOG Galaxy


Stop && Disable both GOG Galaxy services under Administrator Tools -> Services.

# 2 : Delete ALL Galaxy related .DLL files in the game install directory. ( 3 files )

Note to Admin : Please mark this problem as solved.

Same problem, no change.

Disabled the firewall for all tests. Did three tests.

Test # 1 : Ran it with Galaxy running in the background.

Test # 2 : Ran it with Galaxy shut down.

Test # 3 : Ran it with Galaxy shutdown and ALL Galaxy DLL files in the WFTO install directory deleted.

Also included the launcher output log.

I play OFFLINE. No Networking Connection AT ALL. ( Single Player / Standalone )

I will try with it the firewall *disabled* later today and report back.