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Yes and unfortunately disappears too quickly, it makes a sound and reveals a part of the map in circle radius with the fixed non-adjustable diameter, which can be often too big if you don't want to show too much and care for quality experience.

I wouldn't bother writing previous post if that option was not available or worked 100%.
I guess if devs made set revealer it was meant to do something more specific than Prophecy and disabling it's effect is not possible ATM, even if there is an option to do that, accessible in this trigger interface.
If set revealer couldn't reveal only 1 block radius I'll be ok with that. Set revealer can actually make a big difference for many custom settings, which expands possibilities that Prophecy spell won't provide.

I would like to discuss this more, because I've noticed when playing custom campaign or under games that sometimes after I load the game from save file any remaining room to unlock for sins remains grey, unlockable. I have all DLCs BTW.

What's interesting there were many reports of similar thing and only one solution that seems to work - to play the game from the start to the end without reloading it or to restart the map. Here's the latest report: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/1370976566/1694919808747751658/
Here are more reports - just scroll down the comment section and you'll see similar reports (especially Stone Bridge is the most reported one): https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/1370976566/1694919808747751658/

Examples from Steam:

13 November
I'm also stuck on level 7, with a bunch of techs (including stone bridge) unavailable. Reloading seems to break it worse, disabling the techs that are unlocked shortly after the start like the beast den upgrade.

14 October
@<nickname>- Had to restart a couple of times but the problem appears to have spontaneously resolved for good. Thanks!

10 October
@<nickname> - have you tried to start the same level again from the beginning and checked if this issue is still present? I noticed that sometimes after reloading the game from a savefile, the rest of locked aspects is unlockable (however still visible on grey) as you progress in VoE. The only way to solve this for me was to play the map again from the beginning or play the whole level continuously from the beginning to the end.
It may be a bug that should be reported on WftO User Echo. BTW.

8 October
Playing the Coddle mission as we speak. The stone bridge appears to be greyed
out in the veins, ie it cannot be built and I am unable to finish the

Have you figured out maybe what's the cause of this? :)

It's still a bug it guys. Even after I make that when I set "on block" for gold to turn to dirt to disable Revealer, than it doesn't work.

Also I would like to point out that Set Revealer doesn't work for single tile (so if Block Range = 1, ATM 2 is minimum) which is kind of limiting me as map editor if I would like to show only single tile, without need to uncover the rest which may be important to have them hidden for some time.

Loading game again makes a reset of workers path, but for a 1-2 seconds you can see "bugged" workers. I noticed once an Augre that couldn't get to Anvil or through anvil in Forge. Here's a bunch of my Imps stuck at a Tomb:

I can confirm this bug. It's also related to action where Worker is trying to pick up a corpse located very close to tomb. It happens to me in various game modes - the anvil and tomb.

Spec: Win10, AMD 7800HD. I'm playing at lowest graphic settings possible set.

I can confirm this bug. It's also related to action where Worker is trying to pick up a corpse located very close to tomb. It happens to me in various game modes - the anvil and tomb.

Spec: Win10, AMD 7800HD. I'm playing at lowest graphic settings possible set.

EDIT: I found another bug with pathfinding, in this case an Imp caanot find the way behind the Dungeon Core, I guess.


8 coddle_20180822200836
8 coddle_20180822200836.meta

I had a game where Bafu and in other game Archon tried to attack a rampart with bombard behind the corner - they were floating a little closer to trap than Witchdoctor is standing in this video, but still they were dealing no damage to the trap. Could it be the same issue?

I can confirm it's still existing and it seems as more you load the game from the same save file as more more vortex spinning animations turns off till all of them disappear.

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