Shifting blood ritual in level 5 still stays 0% after patch 1.3

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  • Completed - Resolved

As the title says: casting the blood ritual in the sanctuary in level 5 doesn't move and remains at 0%. Restarting the game doesn't help. Old bugs that persists even after patch 1.3.

Thank you.

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Mike Dawson

I just bought this game today, and had this exact bug reported in 2015 happen. Cannot finish this level as the spell is stuck at 0%. Very dissapointing.

Jan - Eric Merzel
  • Completed - Resolved

OK, Klas pointed out that the ritual starts after 6:30-7:00 minutes, and I could not reproduce this bug with him, but I loaded up a previous save game, and it was reproduced. Cancelling the ritual and starting back again didn't help as well.

However, Klas pointed out that the issue was most likely triggered this time by loading up the savegame, but I could indeed reproduce it all the time to a point where I could not progress at all after about 5-6 attempts (I once cleared the entire level, which definitely took more than 7 minutes and the ritual remained at 0%.)

However, now it doesn't reproduce so often, if at all, which is weird.


No problem at all :)

Just reproduced it a third time. Klas is still in my Steam friends' list (I think), so I can show it to him again now.

Jan - Eric Merzel
Quote from amirfoox

When it first happened and I tried to fix it to get over this level I didn't do anything at all and just waited for the imps to finish, closed the dungeon gaps with 'replacement earth' as instructed, activated the spell and dropped the cultist on the sanctuary, nothing else.

I did it just now and reproduced it a second time in a row.

really strange, it took a few minutes (i had 3 cultists by then) and obey unitl i reached 1% of the progress for the ritual. can you try again, and use the speed settings and set them to 150% ? this should cut down the time.

im sorry that you have to help out so much, but how you describe it its still not reproducable on our side


When it first happened and I tried to fix it to get over this level I didn't do anything at all and just waited for the imps to finish, closed the dungeon gaps with 'replacement earth' as instructed, activated the spell and dropped the cultist on the sanctuary, nothing else.

I did it just now and reproduced it a second time in a row.

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
Quote from amirfoox

The issue indeed exists and I was able to just reproduce it again:

I think the main issue is when the game asked me to start the ritual, I immediately grabbed the single cultist I had and dropped it on the sanctuary before the dwarves even appear. This caused the spell to get stuck at 0%.

Lee, it happens regardless of loading a saved game or starting the level from scratch.

I'm going to be leaving the office in a moment. But I'll ask the QA team to look into whether doing what you did causes the same issue. I'll also look into it personally tomorrow.

If you can provide exact details on what you do on the level as you progress that might be helpful, one of the issues is that it might be something very specific that you wouldn't consider unusual but not many other players do.

I tried a couple of unique ones that I could think of:

  • Killing enemies only with spells
  • Delaying enemies with Quick Freeze c onstantly
  • Possession kills

I suspected it might be the case that you were suffering from it regardless of starting fresh or loading. Just wanted to confirm.


The issue indeed exists and I was able to just reproduce it again:

I think the main issue is when the game asked me to start the ritual, I immediately grabbed the single cultist I had and dropped it on the sanctuary before the dwarves even appear. This caused the spell to get stuck at 0%.

Lee, it happens regardless of loading a saved game or starting the level from scratch.

Jan - Eric Merzel
  • Accepted

while we certainly would love to get an answer from you Amirfoox the issue clearly exists and has been reproduced. im going to export it

Andrew "Nutter" Jaggar
  • Under Review