Selected blocks appear black instead of blue (linux)

  • Views 14 702
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  • Completed - Resolved

Game version: 1.4.1f1

OS: (Linux) Fedora 24 64 bits

Graphic drivers: Nvidia proprietary drivers 367.27

When I select blocks for carving, they appear completely black like this;

Image 1200

I have tested on the computer of a friend running Windows, and the result I expect is the blue coloring like this:

Image 1201

Here are my graphical settings:

Image 1202

I have tried to play with most options, with no result.

Thanks in advance :)

Game Version:
Steam Public

Как Вы оцениваете обслуживание, которое получили?

Оценка удовлетворенности от Gwendal 8 лет назад


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Selected tiles are black instead of blue
Avatar YS1

When I select a tile for mining, it is "highlighted" with black.

OS : Linux XUbuntu 16.04 64 bits

GPU : ATI Firepro V4800

Driver : open source driver from ubuntu repo

RAM : 16 GB



Great news indeed :). Thanks for looking into it! I'll test the next patch as soon as I can. If there is any way to test in alpha/beta stage, I can also do that.

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Completed - Resolved

I confirm that the issue is solved at least with Intel drivers. Since it didn't seem related to specific hardware, I suppose that it is solved for all cases. Thanks! :)


Yes, this works for me too. Great !

Scott Richmond Programmer & Producer

Awesome! Our apologies it took so long to get this patch out. Hope you enjoy the game. :)