Non units can't be damaged by the Firebreather's fire attack or the Chander's vomit

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  • Completed - Resolved

Making them extremely bad at dealing with anything a non-living creature. They can't even knock enemy doors at a decent pace as other creatures. And bad assaliants for the Dungeon Core.

Game Version:
Steam Public

If the thread on the forums is right, it is works only on heavily wounded units. It doesn't specify how much health does it need to lose to be affected, but still, damage amplification on already succumbing creatures is kinda pointless, it's almost like having an ability to instantly kill any creature... but only if it has less than 50 HP.

"In generall, I do not dislike that Units casts non-usefull Abilities onto Things, because they will level up" -- but they also waste so much time doing this pointless thing, I don't even.

Old Cat

Cultists debuff causes the target to take increased damage. It's actually very useful against defenses.

Although, ideally multiple cultists should apply debuffs to different targets when possible.

Biervampir [AUT]

Cultists also heal the units of your opponent, while attacking ;D (allready reported)

Further investigattion:
I can confirm that, The Chunder and Fire Breathers Breath and burb attack wont hurt any door at all as well as Inhibitor and Dungeon Cores.
Cultists also cast their debuff (- movement & attack speed) onto doors.

In generall, I do not dislike that Units casts non-usefull Abilities onto Things, because they will level up, but they should definatly prioties other Units over un-effected things to use on their abilities.
(Tested it with Chunder & Fire Breather on Dungeon Core and Workers)

Ryan Cosford

Will this investigation also make it so cultists actually heal my units while attacking?

Biervampir [AUT]
Quote from Lee "Noontide" Moon

Confirmed it appears the Chunder's attacks do not damage some targets, although his basic attack and headbutt do.

Tested with the following:

Portculis - No damage from vomit or fart

Wooden Door - No damage from vomit or fart

Templar - Damage by both

Worker - Damage by both

Dungeon Core - No damage by either

Bombarrd - Damage by both

Could it be that everything with no attacks are immun against all Damage debuff attacks?

Perhaps debuffs in general?

I would also test that with a cultist, attack once with normal attack, them Debuff, attack with normal attack again.


Alternatively, if this turns out to be intended, units should not use attacks against target said attacks can't affect.

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Accepted

Confirmed it appears the Chunder's attacks do not damage some targets, although his basic attack and headbutt do.

Tested with the following:

Portculis - No damage from vomit or fart

Wooden Door - No damage from vomit or fart

Templar - Damage by both

Worker - Damage by both

Dungeon Core - No damage by either

Bombarrd - Damage by both

Andrew "Nutter" Jaggar
  • Under Review

The Chunder's "Belch/Vomit" skill is not it's basic attack (Headbutt is the Chunder's basic attack), and since it is a debuff skill, it isn't actually intended to deal any damage (as far as I know).


I had level 4-6 units. I'd think by that time they should do at least some damage.

Biervampir [AUT]

did you tested it with a lvl 1 Chunder?

Because the burb attackbid mostly for debuff.


we had such a ticket from Slich interally, perhaps he can confirm that?

Because I tested it allready with lvl 10 Units, and they little deal damage